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November 24, 2023


Yeah, this book is going on another hiatus lmfao💀

Sorry for those who were waiting for new chapters, but I've felt so unmotivated plus with all the fucking school works they dump on us, I just didn't know how to find the time. Additionally, I don't think I really liked the idea I initially thought of for this book, also I'm too lazy to write the "earlier days" of the character and just want to get to the main plot, full of angst and comfort.... even though I claim to hate angst it just hurts good if that makes sense, but don't worry it ends well, so more specifically I like angst with a happy ending. I wanna try improving my writing too cause I feel like it justs downgrades every time I think it improves. So anyways, that's that. I'm not gonna abandon this, just trying to find time to write good ideas. I can't promise an update, it can be this week, or next month since it's Christmas break.

P.S. This book is gonna have a huge makeover. Like additional plots and details that I hope you'll like. (I want my oc and Akai's relationship to be kinda like Achilles and Patroclus, but obviously with a happier ending. Not completely like Achilles and Patroclus relationship, just inspired)

Anyways, again I'm sorry for those who were waiting for a new update.

Anyways, again I'm sorry for those who were waiting for a new update

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