I could see his frown relax a little as I continued, "and....I want to be the one to convey Meihu the news."

I looked up and the anger in Adi's eyes is back and couldn't be any more intense. He looked like the devil, the devil that would kill Meihu right now to protect me.


I could hear the periodic taps of his finger on the table and it felt like it matches the sound of my heart beating louder and louder. I slowly reached out and held onto his hand. He immediately stopped tapping.

Phew, thank god! 

That was scary.

I can sense that he wanted to walk away but he still kept his promise

"I know she is going to say something to influence me," I continued, "which is why I won't go there alone....I will take Sruthi and the general with me....so that...so that....even if she says something they will be there to stop her....and stop me....if need be...I can't take you because....because...I am afraid you will kill her...." I talked not even pausing to notice his expression and just focussing on finishing my words, "....and despite everything she's done...she's also the one who put food on my plate and roof over my head....when I had no one....death is not something she deserves...." 

I slowly looked up after saying everything I wanted to say and that is also when I realized that I've been tightly holding his hand to calm myself down.

The irony!

"Done?" Adi asked calmly.

I nodded.

"Can I talk now?" he asked again. I nodded again.

"You weren't asking, were you, love?" he said calmly, "You were just informing."

"No Adi I...."

"Do what you think is the best," Adi said and walked away without hearing another word from me.

*** Adinath ***

"Shiv ji is here. Where is Mata Parvathi?" the general asked playfully as I met him in the corridors leading to the royal court.

"She won't be here," I replied, "Like I said, we had a fight last night."

"Well....she is here..." the general said looking past my shoulder and I looked back to find Vaishu walking towards us....is a purple dress....

"Isn't that your favorite dress?" the general asked.

"No," I lied.

"You wouldn't make a potrait of it for no reason," the general argued and I had no answer for that. 

"You both have strange ways of fighting," he smiled and patted on my shoulder before leaving to make arrangements.

"I thought you won't be here," I asked Vaishu once she is close.

"Just because we had a dispute doesn't mean, I'll leave your hand," she answered and gave me a few files.

"You left your work halfway," she said.

"Vaishu you did't have to...."

"It required immediate attention," she interrupted and I remained silent, because she is right.

It required immediate attention.

"Thanks," I said before asking the important question.

"What's with the purple dress?" 

"It took a lot of effort to get the devil title off your name," she replied, "If you flip in the court today, it will disregard all your efforts. So I thought....if not me....my clothes will calm you down."

ENCHANTED- BY LOVE (completed)Where stories live. Discover now