02. An unexpected find

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I arrive back at my 'new' apartment. The door looks fine from the outside but from the inside it is filthy. I know that, I am hesitating to open the door. But I don't really have a another choice. So I open the door and yeah, the horrible smell is greeting me.

I'm standing at the entrance of my apartment. I'm thinking of a next move. But I quickly come to the conclusion that I don't have one. I'm overthinking a bit more, but suddenly the bell goes off. I walk to where the sound is coming from. I see a little control panel on the wall in the living room. It is a small white box with a speaker and a screen, plus a lot of buttons. On the screen I can see the entrance of the building, and there is a mailman with a big box waiting. I quickly press the unlock button to let the man inside.

I walk to the front door to wait for the man. After a few moments I see the man walking up to my door. He greets me with a very big smile, hands over the box and walks away. I look at the box in front of me, its a big box. I wonder whats inside. I mean, what could it be, I didn't order anything.

I carry the big and heavy box inside to the living room, or what looks like a living room. I can't really tell because the house is a mess. But there is a couch to I guess its the living room.

I sit down and open the box. Its a cardboard box so its easy to open. When I open the box I am greeted with a lot of Styrofoam. I dig in the Styrofoam and find a briefcase. Its a fully black briefcase. It has two locks on the front. The locks are both four digit locks. I don't know the code of course. So how am I suppose to open the case? I look inside the big box again but I don't see anything else that can help me. I look at the briefcase, maybe the code of the locks are just written on it. As I am inspecting the briefcase I see a note block on the kitchen counter.

I walk to the note block because I had to find a way to open the briefcase, and I didn't know any. As I am walking up to the counter I see something written on it. YES. Now let's hope its something useful. I quickly read what is written on little piece of paper. It says: 'birthday'. Birthday? What does that mean?! Birthday, birthday, birthday... Does it mean my birthday? I have no idea... Wait a minute! Who wrote this? No way it was that guy that just spawned in this house and disappeared into thin air. I didn't see him writing anything. And I can't remember this note block already being here. I am loosing my mind!!! It feels like I am in a game. Nothing is possible in the real world. But I guess this is a dream. So its kind of a game.

Anyway, back to the briefcase. I still don't know the code. I mean, it has to be the note, but how? I have no idea what my birthday has to so with a lock. Its a number lock. 4 numbers on each lock. 8 in total...... I am so stupid. How did I not think of this. You can write a date in numbers. When you do that you will get eight numbers. Exactly the amount i need. And since my birthday is 07-10-1997. I have to put the code 0710 into the first lock, and the code 1997 into the second one. And now that I figured it out, I can open... the... briefcase...... It doesn't open... How is that not correct?! Wait... The first lock did unlock, the second one didn't. So the day and month are correct. What is logical because that's my birthday. But the year is not. Why?

1997, its my birth year. I don't understand, why doesn't it open? Am I missing something? Its 2012 now, I am 15 years old... Or am I? Didn't that man say I'm now 18? If I assume its still 2012, because I looks like it still is, I'm now technically born in 1994. So if I change the 1997 on the second lock to 1994, it has to open... And it did! I opened the box! I looove puzzles!

Now that I have unlocked this briefcase, I'm scared to actually open it. I mean, I have no clue what is inside. It could be anything! Not a car tho, unfortunately. I would have loved that. I am a big car nerd if I say so myself. I know everything about it! But yeah, a car would not fit this case. But there are still so many options left of what it could be.

After some hesitation I take a deep breath... and open the case. I am shocked at what I am seeing inside. I see a lot of little things. A lot of emotions are coming over me. I have never had possession of these items. I take a deep breath again and look at the items displayed in front of me. I see: An ID, a insurance card, a credit card, some cash what looks like €200, a drivers license, 2 car keys, 4 normal keys, and some papers like a birth certificate and the deed of this property.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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