01. Where do I begin?

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There is room to argue, but I think this story starts in 2012, when I was playing in a football match. It was one of my best matches i have played in a long time. But at at the end of the match, I got tackled, maybe a bit to hard. I fell on my head and everything went black, pitch black. It was like my life had ended. Until a few seconds later when a light blinded me al of a sudden. Like a flash of... life. 

When I got my vision back, I was in a room. A room i have never seen before, a room that I can only describe as old, used and not taken care of. A room that had a creepy feeling. Like something horrible happened. There was paper all over the place, probably wallpaper. And the wood lost most of its paint. But surprisingly, the furniture was as good as new. How? 

So with a second look on the room, it was more like someone wanted me to believe something horrible happened. But why?

"Welcome Max!'' says a creepy voice.

"AAAAHHH!" I scream with a girly high pitched voice. "Who is that!?"

"You are scared so quickly," says the dark voice again, "But anyway, we need to get to business."

After a few seconds, I finally have the nerve to turn around. But to my surprise, there was a normal looking business man sitting on the couch. What is he doing in this room? Maybe a better question, What am I doing there?

"W-Who are you?" I ask nervously.

"Your future best friend."

"I will see about that..., please continue."

"Anyway," he continues, "You may be wondering why you are here."

"duh, of course I am," I'm thinking. I don't even know what happened... But I know something happened... How does that work? It's like you forgot something, and you know that you forgot something, but not what you forgot. Weird...

"You will have to listen carefully, it is a confusing story. Do you understand?" He asked with a serious voice.

"yeah?" I say nervously.

"So, you may not remember, but you were put in a coma. You got hit by a ball. Normally you will be unable to move your body and can only listen to things around you. But something went wrong when you got in a coma. Your body didn't paralyzed, like it should. It released so much energy it wasn't safe to keep your soul in there. So we transferred you here. You can describe this world as a dream world. Because if you wake up in your original world, you will leave this world. Just view it as a temporary place to stay. You may also have realized that you are older than you used to be. Your 18 now."

The only thought going true my mind is: HOW THE F### IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! But he is correct. I was 15 when I got hit by that Ball. But I'm transferred into, what looks like, a 18 years old body.

"This is your dream," he continues, "Without you, this would not have existed. And because this is a technically a dream, you can do whatever you want. Just be careful, these people act like normal people. So don't do stupid things that give you a bad reputation. It will affect how these people behave."

The more he is talking, the more confused I am. I have so many questions!

"With that explained, I will leave this world to you and let you do your own thing. Good luck!"

"Wait!" I yell, but it is to late, he already disappeared.

I guess I have to explore this 'dream' world on my own. I will definitely need that good luck. And by the way, what happens when I die? Well, it doesn't matter, I'm alone now. I guess I'll... ehm... I have no clue what to do. What am I suppose to do? Just wonder around? What is the time even? I have so many question and yet no answers. All because that stupid guy put me here without any good and useful explanation or information. God I hate that guy. But i guess he is just doing his job... Is he even human?... I really have to stop, I'm getting crazy. I also shouldn't be nervous, but I am. It is my dream... But also not. It is is a dream, but I can't control it, like in a real dream. Every step I'm going to take is a mystery, just like in the real world. The only thing I can do is just explore this world. I can't stay in this filthy room all day.

So I walk to the door, getting ready to open it. Anything can wait for me behind it. I take a deep breath... And open the door. ... But to my surprise it is just a normal city, or what looks like a normal city. As I look over the balcony, I see some people walking on the streets. I see some cars driving by. It is not a busy street. But it is a nice street. I now see that my 'new' house is a apartment. The front door leads to a balcony that leads to some stairs down to the entrance. The view from the balcony is straight to the road in front.

I decide to walk around the city to explore. I walk along the balcony as two people walk up the stairs and towards me. They look like a couple. I greet than and they greet me back. They seem like nice people. I walk down the stairs to the entrance. I see that there are the mailboxes. Also the door looks like a strong door. As I walk up to the door, it automatically opens. I step outside the building and look around. I don't know where to go so I walk right along the road. As I am walking further Into the city, I see some shops. Than I realize something: I don't have any money, I can't buy any food. How am I going to stay alive? I need to find a way to make money quick, or else I will find out a bit too soon for my liking what happens when I die.

If you don't have a job what is smart to do? What would someone who doesn't have money do?... I DON'T KNOW! How am I supposed to know? I have had money since i needed it. I have actually never been in any money problems. But now it is not helping me that i am good with money. I have never had this problem. I need to think of a solution quick, or else I will starve to death. I need to go back to the house. Even tho it is not something I would want go to , I don't see any other options.

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