Chapter 3 : Unknowning Mistakes

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"Can I see your identification?" The man said with a blank look. I made sure my face was blank as well as I turned my back, and he scanned my jacket. Another day, another hour, I slipped past security without being taken away to a special camp.

As soon as I got home, my blank face dropped, replaced with anger. Will I have to live like this for the rest of my life? This had to end. No electronics was allowed inside my home due to the fact I was so scared of being found out. I always made sure to be careful. Though today I was tired, unbeknownst to me. I had left my phone in my pocket as I walked inside of my bedroom.

Miles a way, a child about 4 feet tall sat in a chair looking somewhat bored. Everything was perfect, but that was the problem. She found herself spending her time looking down at the city she created with absolute boredom. Little did she know today would be the day her boredom would be cured. A robot servant recently informed her about unusual behavior from a particular person. She grabbed the tablet from the robot then dismissed him. She scared your information. A small smile creeped up her lips. "Interesting~"

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