"Why do you always want to know my favorite places?" Jisung asked, a slight tone of amusement lacing his words.

"Because I want to know you. I need to start somewhere, don't I?"

Jisung's gaze flicked away shyly as he nodded a little. "I suppose I can't argue with that."

Silence filled the space between them for a moment, but Minho didn't mind. It was comfortable, and it gave him a chance to admire the prince sitting in front of him. He was slowly becoming determined to read every page of Jisung's book.

"By the way, I saw the shimmer on your cheeks. Gold really suits you," Jisung suddenly spoke up, his voice quiet.

Minho was a little surprised that Jisung was the one to initiate the conversation. Minho was usually the one to do so. He smiled wryly. "Is that a joke?"

"No, of course not. It's quite beautiful, actually. I'm only used to seeing silver, and gold has always been a favorite color of mine."

Minho smiled, his heart jumping. If finally felt like Jisung was relaxing around him. Truly relaxing, and not pretending in any way. It was refreshing, and made him that much more excited to get into the city.

They briefly talked about how last night's training session went before the carriage rolled to a stop and Jisung covered his head again. The driver opened their door, barely acknowledging them, and after thanking him, Minho took a hold of Jisung's hand and pulled him down the street. The pair rounded the first corner they could reach and Jisung dropped the shawl once again.

"Now we only have to worry about getting back into the palace without getting caught," Jisung said, folding the shawl neatly. He held it in front of him for a moment as if contemplating what to do with it.

Minho took the shawl, folded it a little smaller, and tucked it into the sword belt that hung at his waist. "I'll make sure it all goes well." He glanced back at Jisung to see the prince's eyes fixed on his hands. "Your Highness?"

Jisung straightened up. "I'm sorry, I was just thinking." He rubbed his neck and glanced around. "We have all day, so what would you like to do first?"

Minho bit down his knowing smile, feeling victorious at having successfully distracted the Prince of the Moon. He was always so elegant and put together, that Minho was tempted to see how Jisung would look flustered, how he would look falling apart at the seams and-

"Does that sound good?"

Minho blinked. Apparently it was his turn to get distracted. He shoved his unholy thoughts away. "Yes, it does." He didn't know what he just agreed to.

Jisung's knowing gaze told him he knew the Sun Prince was clueless, but he motioned anyway. "Right this way."

Forcing his eyes away from the prince in front of him, Minho turned his attention to the City of the Moon, marveling at the towering buildings he'd briefly passed on his way to the palace weeks ago. Unlike the City of the Sun, the streets here were winding and narrow in a lot of places. The tall buildings were made of gray stone that shimmered in the sun, and they were mostly crowded together. 

Despite the crowding in some areas, it was all beautiful. Every stone, every archway, was carved intricately with strange designs and the occasional moon, and every space and crack in the buildings and roads were growing little white flowers.

The pair only walked for a few minutes before they reached a shorter building perched on a corner. The window sills were lined with so many flowers and shrubs that it was nearly impossible to see through the windows at all. The wooden door at the front was propped open, allowing the sweet aroma of bread and pastries to spill onto the street.

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