Chapter 1 - Too Eepy

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sorry if this chapter feels very exposition dumpy. I'm still pretty new to writing (as a willing participant. Thanks alot literature class >:(


Summer break was Simon's favorite time of year. There was no homework for him to worry about, everyone bothered him less, and most importantly, he had time to work on all his projects.

The only problem was how quickly Simon would get burned out. He was almost always working on one of his overly ambitious speculative biology projects. He heavily disliked taking breaks.

The only thing preventing Simon from going full reddit moderator was his friend Jack. Jack was almost the polar opposite of Simon. He was extroverted, was into sports, didn't watch 10 hour documentaries about fictional ecosystems. Yet besides that, they both somehow got along extremely well.

After a very bad case of burnout, Jake invited Simon with him to go hiking on one of the nearby trails.

"How do your feet hurt already? We literally started walking" Jake paused looked down to check the time on his phone "barely even 5 minutes ago!"

"I haven't left the house in 3 days when did you become delusional enough to think that I could handle being outside" Simon responded half-jokingly. Simon did not mesh well with the summer heat, even in the shade of the forest it felt like he was in an oven.

"Can you keep walking please? We still have 5 miles to go." Jake stated.

"5 MILES?!?!?!?" Simon's body was not ready for the tortures of walking.

Simon decided the best way to deal with this is with some music, and thankfully he had brought his headphones along. When Simon checked his phone he saw his friend's discord group chat was very active today. They were all discussing something about an alien object that was found in the middle of the Sahara desert

"It's probably just another one of those scams like the one from mexico a few months ago" Simon thought. Then again, the evidence they were posting was pretty convincing.

The articles they posted showed images of this strange metal tube lodged into the desert sand. It had strange engravings resembling some sort of plant.

Simon dismissed it as just another weird art project made up by some artists and Continued walking, this time with his music playing.


Simon was exhausted, both mentally and physically. He had completed the hike, but at what cost? Simon and Jake were sitting on a bench, taking a break before they went home.

Suddenly, Simon's phone started ringing. It was his mom.

"Hey mom, I was just about to come home." Simon said.

"Well you better get home as soon as possible, some really weird shit is happening that I need to tell you about" Simon's mom responded.

"Alright love you" Simon said before hanging up.

From the context clues, Simon assumed his mom was gonna be talking about the aliens. His mom was a bit of a nutcase sometimes, so it'd make sense for her to believe it immediately.

Simon had barely entered the door before his mom opened the door with a baseball bat in her hand.

"IRS SLAG GET OUTTA HERE oh wait it's just you Simon sorry" his mom apologized.

"Why are you so riled up today, did Alex Jones say the frogs were turning gay again?" Simon joked.

"Simon we all know the frogs turned bisexual" his mom said without even a hint of sarcasm. "Anyways, ALIENS ARE FUCKING REAL SIMON I WAS RIGHT THIS WHOLE DAMN TIME"

"Oh yeah my friends were talking about it on discord" Simon responded. He noticed his mom running around and grabbing whatever supplies they possibly could to out into the basement.

"Well it got worse! They found at least 2 of those alien things on every continent!" His mom said. This was starting to sound less like an art project now. Could it be a cult? There was no way it could actually be real aliens.

"Ya wanna know what's worse honey?" His mom said, "THEYRE SHOOTING SPORES INTO THE AIR AND WE DONT KNOW WHAT THEY DO!!!!" his mom yelled.

"Well uh I'll be up in my room if you need me..." Simon said. He decided to leave his mother to go be crazy on her own.

When Simon got up to his room, he decided he should probably take a nap, after all he walked for 10 times longer today than he had in the past month.

Simon felt a sudden drowsiness go over him, and fell face first on his bed, falling asleep in mere seconds.

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