We walk in and I introduce Ple to Sky. Sky seems to dislike her at first but later starts treating her as a friend. Everything was going great. I was a little tipsy. It was just like we were a couple of friends hanging out... that was until Ple did something unforgivable.

I was talking to Pai and Sky when suddenly Ple came and grabbed my arm. I smiled down at her and she whispered that her stalker was here. I hug her closer to me and then she takes hold of my head and starts kissing me. I am in complete shock. I stand there for a few seconds until my brain works again and I push her away.

"What the hell Ple! I told you I wasn't going to do anything that would hurt my boyfriend! How could you do this!" I am furious at her. I will have to tell Rain about this. He will be devastated. The thought that I am going to have to break his heart with this news makes me even more angry.

"I am sorry Phayu, but I had to take drastic measures. I knew you wouldn't agree if I asked you to kiss me. I'm sorry."

Her apology makes me even more angry. She knew I wouldn't be ok with this. That I had a boyfriend, and that it was completely unacceptable to kiss me without consent. I should have never agreed to this.

"You know what Ple, I don't want to see or talk to ever again. I tried to help you and you completely violated me and my trust. I should have said no from the beginning. Here," I take a few bills from my wallet and hand it to her," take a taxi home because I can't be near you anymore."

I look over at Sky and Pai and they nod and we walk out. Once we get to our cars I turn to them and Sky looks angry.

"I know it wasn't your fault, but I hope you tell Rain about this. I am not going to hide this from my best friend. I'll even grace you with extra time to tell him. I will stay with P' Pai this weekend.On Monday, I will tell him everything that happened and show him all the videos I took tonight, even the ones with the kiss if he asks for it."

"I will! I will tell him everything. I just hope he can forgive me for this." I am so scared. So scared that I could lose Rain. That I won't be able to hold and kiss him ever again.

We part ways. I can't bring myself to call Rain like I normally do. I feel so guilty, so disgusted and disappointed in myself. so instead I sent him a message saying 'I love you Rain.'

He doesn't respond, maybe he is sleeping. I have a hard time falling asleep. All I can think about is that I could potentially lose Rain because of this.

I had a nightmare that night. Where Rain sees Ple kissing me and thinks I cheated on him. He looks so heartbroken. He runs up to me and slaps me and says he never wants to see me again. He then goes running to a faceless figure and it comforts Rain. The thought of Rain in someone else's arms breaks my heart.

I try to call Rain the following morning but he doesn't pick up. I call Sky, but he can't get in touch with him either. I drive to Sky's apartment but no one answers the door. Sky comes back to open the door for me, but Rain is not there. I start to panic but Sky says his dad might have gone on a business trip so he might have just gone home. I want to check if he is alright but neither Sky or I know where Rain lives. I always pick him up from Sky's or he drives over to meet me. Sky suggested that I wait until Monday, but I am scared. What if something happened to him, if his dad wasn't on a trip and he beat him again? I cannot sit still for the rest of the weekend, Rain doesn't reply or call back which makes me think that something really did happen.

On Monday I wait for him in front of his class but he never comes. I had to leave for work, but I told Sky to call me if he showed up. He calls me at the end of the day and tells me that he never showed and no one has seen him at all.

I was on the way to the police station to file a missing person's report when I got another call from Sky.

"Sky! Were you able to make contact with Rain?"

"P' Phayu... Rain dropped out. I went to the Dean to find out what he knew. P' Phayu, what are we going to do? They said Rain's guardian told them that he was sent to an overseas specialist for medical help. Apparently he was in an accident and they don't know if he will make it. I asked where they were but they said that they didn't know. What are we going to do? What if Rain doesn't make it? He could be in danger! Who is this so-called guardian? Rain has no family other than his father!" Sky started sobbing uncontrollably.

I was in shock. Rain can't be gone! He was so sweet and good, he deserves nothing but good things.

I wasn't sure what to do. He can be anywhere, how am I going to find him? What if I don't find him? What if he is gone forever? I just break down and cry. I lost him, I really lost him. I cry until the next morning.

The next morning Prapai finds me in the worst state I have ever been in.

"Phayu, I know this is hard on you but you need to stay strong. Rain might need your help."

"But I don't know what to do. I don't know where to find him."

"I already hired a private investigator. But while we find Rain, you need to keep going. Stay strong for him so you can be his rock when we get him back."

A private investigator... Why did I never think of that? I had to stay strong so Rain could move in with me after we found him. For now all I can do is pray that he is alive and well.

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