10 : bad blood in ivy walls

Start from the beginning

"You-" he was cut off by a balding man in what he seems to be 50s. Where are all these people coming from?

"Woodsen? Ah thought that was you! Well let me tell you about your grade! You did exe-, my who do we have here? New face? Mhm? Friend of yours Woodsen?"

"Estella McQueen." I greeted sticking my hand out.
"Professor Gerolds, ah you are the new student no? I have you in my first class tomorrow! Hope you know all about the difference between absurdism and nihilism!"

I let out a laugh. "Nihilists, specifically passive nihilists, believe that there's no intrinsic meaning in life and "it is futile to seek or to affirm meaning where none can be found". That's where the philosophy essentially ends. Absurdists, on the other hand, hesitantly allow the possibility for some meaning or value in life." I answered smiling, still shaking the man's hand due to him not letting go.

The professors smile grew wider than it already was.
"I'll look forward to having you in class miss McQueen!" He spoke with his eye brows raised.

He didn't even utter another word to Kai and he was gone.

Kai rolled his eyes and we where walking again.
Minutes passed and yet again no word where spoken.
Not even the pointing and muttering he did earlier was heard.

We where now in another hallway when we came to an abrupt halt. He looked down the window but didn't say anything. He let out a chuckle and than for the first time since I've seen him looked me right in the eye.

"Heard you won from Brooke the other day?"
"Talking about me Kai?"
He raised his eyebrows unimpressed.
"What are we children Stella?"
Stella? stella,
Haven't heard anyone say that in 8 years.
It almost made me smile.

"One of us is"
"Yeah your right, your mental capacity is no higher than a six year old"
"Well we are going to the same school now so what does that say about you?"

He just gave me a look and walked away and told me to follow him. I rolled my eyes but complied.

We stopped in front of this grand wooden door.
When he opened it I couldn't believe my eyes.
The ceiling had paintings, there where porcelain carved pillars, giant decorated windows and the room was lit by hundreds of chandeliers.

"The cafeteria." He just mumbled and was about to turn away but I was still standing there, amazed.

I heard him turn around, ready to say something when a scream enterend the cafeteria.
"ESTELLA!" Penn screamed rushing into my arms.
"Hey penn." I spoke into the hug.

She then greeted Kai with a handshake. After I was tackled by a series of hugs from Roy, Brooke, Roxy and the boy that I met in Mill's shop the other day, Arsen.

We all sat down at one of the booths and talked.
Kai didn't even utter a word and had a full on bitch face on.

Arsen was to my left, Brooke on my right, Roy next to her.
Across from us first sat Kai, next to him Penn, besides her first Roy and than Roxy.
"-Well the party I'm going to give tonight at my house, the parents are away. They just told me."
"Spontaneous." Arsen spoke.

Just his voice alone made Roxy look up from busy typing on her phone and look at him.
She looked at every inch of his face but probably hadn't even heard what he said.
Its quite obvious she likes him.

As Roxy lowers her head to type again with a little smile on her face from what I presume is Arsen I noticed him looking at her this time.
Just like she did seconds before, he took in every inch of her face and looked a way with a subtle smile.
Fuck my earlier statement it's quite obvious they like eachother.

Their behavior made me let out chuckle.
I returned my focus to Penn and told her I will be there. She gave me a smile to which I than gave one back.

I than locked eyes with the devil that still hasn't said a word. Silence, just silence coming from him.

He still radiated anger and had a hostile look towards me.
I shot him an unimpressed look. Does it have to be this way? We where bestfriends once. He doesn't have any reason to be mad at me. I should be the one to be mad at him.
But we go to school together now and this happened 3rd grade. I will never admit it but it did hurt.

But it happened, it's in the past, it wasn't the worst,
I can move on.

"Kai, going to the party?" I asked, moderately civil.
"Why are you trying to be nice?"
"I'm just trying to be civil, we go to the same school now for fucks sake."

"We went to the same school 8 years ago to." He huffed. Its not the fucking same you imbecile.
"Guess I'm the only one who was grown up." I rolled my eyes.

"You're still the same spoiled child you where than."
"You're still the same mommy's boy with anger issues."

By now we where both standing up and gripping the table ends, both steam coming out of our ears.
"You truly are abominable, the big name doesn't change the fact that your just a scared little girl."
I could see the anger wearing down on his features and a smirk make way on his face.

I on the other hand can keep my emotions in check, I don't twitch emotions.

And I know when someone is baiting me.
I gripped the tie that was dangling around his colar and yanked him towards me. "Say that a little closer to my face will ya?" I smiled.

I now realized how close we where, I was looking down on him due to me holding him there but his gaze never looked so stoic. His eyes still held no emotion, lifeless but looked yet again so full, grey worked well with death.

I than looked at his lips, although is his eyes wouldn't dare to show it, his mouth did. A smirk. By the time I noticed this, I returned to his eyes but now something different. The grey looked less stormier, windier, chaotic. Just a small wave of peace.

What the actual fuck am I thinking??
I snapped back to now and felt myself getting pushed back in my seat. I focused now on what was happening. Arden and Roxy where pulling me down and penn and Roy where screaming to Kai about taping him to the wall if he doesn't control himself.

I let out a low chuckle and told everyone I was going to my room. As I was standing up I locked eyes with the fucking Altair wood figure. I rolled my eyes.

As I started walking I started thinking.
Wood? Woodsen, Van Woodsen.
It's sounds like a song lyric, or a fucking poem.
Ahahaha Robin wood. I'm going to use that.

Fuck I need sleep. Thank lord for my photographic memory otherwise I wouldn't even have known which way to go. This place should have street names.

As I was walking I grabbed my phone, it's just 4 and the party doesn't start for another 3 or 4 so hours.
I can sleep.

As I put my phone in my pocket, I bumped into someone, someones?
I heard two fucking ow's.

As I started to look up one face started to look a bit familiar.

Please keep leaving comments even though I don't respond, I have a problem. Sorry for the late updates and yes I'm fucking slow I know. Bye humans.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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