Alternative Bad Ending

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It'll Be Okay by Shawn Mendes

I knock on the front door of the dorm. Chan answered and quickly comes in to hug me. I had no reaction. I push him away.

Recently on my mind, I been thinking. I can't keep putting him through this. It isn't us but the reaction of others. We're going to go through so much and he has already gone through too much without me. I just bring more drama to him with this relationship.

"Chan" I said softly. "I came to get my stuff and share one last moment with you."

"Why?" He asked trying to hold back tears. He knew exactly why but he wanted to hear the words come out of my mouth. That was the only way he would believe it.

"We have to break up. I can't keep seeing you go through hardships with me. It's best mentally for the both of us. I can't kept having the both of us be in danger of losing career or our health mentally or physically."

He doesn't respond and goes to rub his ear as he walks away.

"I still love you." I say to him and he begins to cry quietly on the couch.

I don't go to him because I knew it was for the best. I just broke his heart. I don't think I approached in the best way but I couldn't act as if everything was okay.

I walked into our- I mean his room. I pack the rest of my stuff. The last thing I picked up was the jewelry box he had gifted me for Christmas. I held it in my hands and a tear fell upon it. I start to wipe the tears from my eyes, placed the jewelry box in my bag protected by the clothes around. I zip up my suitcase and sit and let out a sigh.

"You really meant what you said."

"I do." I turn and Chan is leaning against the doorway.

"I won't stop you if I can't change your mind."

"I'm sorry for hurting you. If I could change the reaction of the general public of where you reside, I would but I can't."

"No, no, I understand. I just wish things could be different."

There's a silence between us.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I'm not sure." He sulks as he looks at his feet.

"I can't change this, Chan. So, please tell me what you want from me."

"I don't want you to leave me."

"... We can spend our last time happily. For us and the boys."

I noticed that the boys have been here the whole time. They've been cooped up in their rooms when I had came. I could hear little shuffling when I went in Chan's room and was packing my things.

"So, what should we all do together, boys!" I say as I turned to the rooms. The doors open up after one another. They put on a faint smile as if they were not listening.

"Let's go eat. That can never go wrong." Han says as he faces all of us.

"Let's do it. Someone contact the others and say we'll meet them there."

"This is a place that has a lot of meaning to Stray Kids and we thought it was a good time to share it with you." Felix said to me.

"You see, there's our signature. We came here a lot pre debut." Jeongin adds.

"Get whatever you want, it's on all of us except you and Chan." Minho said.

"You guys, I'll miss you."

"We'll miss you too." They said.

"It was a good time with you staying with us, Y/N." Changbin said.

"You were a nice addition to the dorm." Hyunjin states.

"You guys were lovely. I'm sorry it has to end like this but enjoy this meal that we share." I said as we began our order.

After the meal, Chan and I went our ways from the group.

"Where is it that you want to go?" I asked.

"Back to where it all started."

"The Han River."

"I sat here on that very day waiting for change and then you appeared. It was fate and I believed the universe was showing me that I needed you. That day I was determined to have you. I didn't care about anything but you. Now I see that with that mindset, I have brought disfunction. I can't get you to stay if you don't want."

"Maybe in another life, we can be together."

He finally turns to look at me. I see tears in his eyes. He pulls me into a hug.

"If you don't mind, can we share one last kiss?"

I pull him back. I looked into his eyes and slowly pull in.

We shared so much together. Our warmth, words, memories, pains, hurt, happiness, boredom and now we're giving it all up.

We take in our breath as we stand at the airport again. This time, it's only us and the boys. I hug them goodbye and they gave me souvenirs to be reminded of them. They walked with me halfway and while took one final picture together. Chan walked the rest with me.

We walked in silent. Chan holding himself as he walked beside me. I walked as if I was strong. I haven't shown much emotion though this hurts me dearly. I didn't want them to fear.

"This is it." I said.

"So, that it is."

"Remember me."

"I will, for you are my bambi."

I look up at him and scans his face.

"Chan, once I get on this plane, I don't want you to be sad that I left. I want you to proceed living life to the fullest. You haven't lost anything within yourself. Live your life responsibility and with pride."

I take in one last deep breath of Seoul's air and begin to walk. I turned around to see the boys had gathered around Chan. I waved my final goodbye.

"I'll wait for you." Chan said as he whispered underneath his breath.


I'm crying😭. This was so sad. Honestly this was easier for me to write than the others so I believe if I had to choose an ending. It would be this one.

I truly believe Chan would wait for the person he cared for to return.

If you want a happy ending with this in mind. Believe that when they disband, Chan goes looking for them or they come back to Seoul and looking for him.

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