Chapter 7

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What am I doing? I haven't even booked a hotel, Airbnb, nothing. It's not like I can't do it. Am I repeating myself, I feel like I am. Stop thinking so much and just let's go. 

I tell everyone that I'm leaving so that my whereabout are made aware. Everyone, including Chan. He said that he'll send a car for me when I arrive. 


I'm staying with Chan. I had no real plan unless I stick with the one, I made about a year ago before I meet Chan. Why would I do that? I'm not going to toss the idea out; I'm just going to figure it out as I go with the idea in mind.

"Why so sudden, Bambi?"


"Why did you leave so suddenly."

"Bored, I supposed. I don't do much but work from home."

"Working from home? I don't think I could do that. I need to see people so that I can makes them smile."

"How long have you been here?"

"For a while, I'm about to go though. Do you have a place to stay?"

"Oh my, I didn't book a room!"

"That's okay, you can stay with me until then." How could I be so forgetful. I'll see where I stand and book a place soon. 

"We can get something on the way there."


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