He slid me a drink, and we clinked our glasses before pulling from them.

He puts down his glass and takes a step forward. But even as he cups me in his hand, sucking in a ragged breath through his teeth and whispering, "You look fantastic tonight."

I can't touch him back with any tenderness. Steven is friendly and handsome, and I think about kissing him, but I can't let myself. As angry as I am with Ben, I can't kiss someone else.

Oh god, Steven is leaning in; he wants to kiss me!

I glance down at my drink, pretending to be mesmerized by ice cubes clinking in my glass. But Steven reaches forward and places a thumb on my chin, tilting my head to meet his gaze. I want to pull away from his touch, but I can't. I'm frozen.

I close my eyes in anticipation of Steven's kiss and... WHACK!!!

I see Steven fly backward, stumbling into the bar and finally collapsing onto the ground. He covers his face, swearing and moaning. Blood seeps through his fingers and trickles down the back of his hands.

What the -?

Everything happens so quickly. As he shouts in agony, I also hear the music stop and see everyone turn their attention to me and then Steven and then something at my backside. I glance up to see Jessica shouting at that something or, more pointedly - someone. That's when I see Ben. He shakes a clenched fist as Michael restrains him against the bar. My gaze is snared to Dave and Charlie, helping Steven to his feet. Every wedding guest has now turned their attention to the bloody scene. I glance up at Steven. His left eye was swollen shut, red and

painful. Blood drips from his nose, and his upper lip is split in two.

Suddenly, it dawns on me. Ben punched Steven.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Ben?" Jessica shouts, her bottom lip trembling. She turns to me and asks, "Megan, what is happening?"

I feel sick to my stomach. I may vomit. Just seeing the disappointed look on Jessica's face makes me feel lower than dirt. And when I see Stephanie break through the crowd and gasp at the sight of Ben's bruised knuckles, I feel like drop-kicking her to the floor. One glance at Ben, though, and I shake with rage. He winces apologetically. He's humiliated me. He's ruined Jessica and Michael's wedding. I feel myself begin to shake. Everyone's eyes remain on us, but neither of us has a response.

Realization dawns on Jessica's face. "Are you two sleeping together?" she asks.

"No," Stephanie gasps, covering her mouth.

Our silence only solidifies everyone's suspicions.

"I can't believe you two," Jessica says, eyes welling up with tears.

"I am so sorry..."

"You kept this from me? You let me introduce you to my cousin?"

"I know... I'm sorry."

"And you," she glares at Ben. "You ruined my wedding. You're always thinking with your cock and never with your brain."

"Jess – "he starts.

She interrupts him: "That was Ben's baseball cap in your bedroom, wasn't it?"

I nod.

She shakes her head, laughing manically. "Get out of my wedding."


"You heard me, Megan. Both of you. Get out."

Finally, Michael releases Ben from his grasp. He doesn't dare look at me or anyone else. He pushes past a few guests and heads toward the exit while I stand there, humiliated and wishing more than anything I could rewind everything.

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