Chapter 15

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I keep telling myself that, seriously, I'm fine.

To say the atmosphere between Stephanie and me became tense at the spa is laughable. We've been getting pampered for over two hours, and I barely said more than two words at a time.

Do you want to come with me to the hydro pool?


What time are our dinner reservations?

7:00 pm

What are you wearing tonight?

I don't know.

Should I order us another glass of champagne?


The worst part is that it's not her fault. It's not a secret to Ben that I don't like Stephanie. She annoys me on the best days, but what he's done is unforgivable. I never expected he'd be so reckless, but I should have known involving myself with Ben would only end in heartbreak.

I spent the remainder of my afternoon trying to convince myself I didn't care. Ben and Stephanie slept together. I made myself believe I didn't care when Stephanie's eyes lit up as she rehashed their sexy times or that she looked flushed and giddy when she provided us with graphic details about the size of his cock. I also try not to care that Ben hid this information from me. And I try even harder not to pass out from the pain in my heart. I scold myself because I should have known. It was so obvious...

Stephanie has always looked continuously to Ben for attention, and annoyingly so. She's always batting her eyes, talking in a baby voice, and jumping at any chance she can to touch him. Her sexually charged behaviour, coupled with her natural beauty - cat-like eyes and supermodel body - already make her 100% Ben material. I could see her swaying her voluptuous hips from side to side, seducing him instantly.

I feel nauseous from the thought. I'm sick with jealousy.

I should have never flipped that coin.

We leave the spa by mid-afternoon, and I say goodbye to a good portion of my bank account.

As we return to our villa, Stephanie and Michelle walk ahead, chatting about how Ben and Stephanie need to hook up again while Jessica walks beside me.

"Everything okay, Megan?" she asks.

I nod. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"So I'll see you in twenty minutes or so?" she asks. "I need to go back to my villa to grab a few things before I come to your villa to meet up again."

"That sounds good."

I wave her goodbye, feeling so crummy. I want to slip into pyjamas and go to bed, but I can't because I have Jessica's bachelorette party to attend.

I rifle through my luggage, feeling hopelessly lost in what to wear tonight. Everything looks grey and frumpy, crumbled and disorganized. I glance at Stephanie and Michelle, holding up dress after dress against one another as they debate what to wear.

There is a knock on the front door before Jessica appears in our villa. She looks beautiful. She's dressed sexy in a stunning long-sleeved purple skin-tight dress that sparkles all over, making her blue eyes vibrant and her tanned skin fantastically gorgeous.

"You look so hot," Michelle says, smiling.

"Thank you," she responds, twirling in a full circle.

Stephanie glances down at Jessica's hands. "What do you have there?" she asks.

She carries three neatly wrapped presents with pretty pink bows in her arms. Waving us over, she sits down on the sofa. "Come on, girls. I have gifts for you."

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