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Yes, hello there! I know the title's a bit, "WHAT?" and the description's also a bit, "WHAT THE HELL?" but I couldn't think of anything to put in there. I made this story spontaneously, with no definite plot on my mind. I made this because I was cold, and I was studying my lessons and I got really sleepy and decided to think of Johnlock and... ha... this is the result.

I hope you guys like it. Reviews/constructive criticisms and comments are always welcome, so, yes. Haha. 

Oh, and.. please do correct me if you see any grammatical errors in this story. Thank you very much. Enjoy. Lovelots. Awww, yis!

Edit 03/36/13: Ew. I cannot believe I spelled you're as your. Thank goodness I saw that. Haha!

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