Challenge time.

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The first challenge began, Chris began talking. The way his voice drowned everything out completely annoyed heather, she felt as if she couldn't listen to his dragged out words anymore.

While listening to Chris talk she spaced out and something inside of her snapped. Her eye twitched as she waited for the challenge to finish, she had an idea to finally get the silence she wanted.

After everything had been done and everyone was heading back to their designated cabin Heather followed Chris deep into the woods to his small cabin. Chris had heard Heather but since they were on an island he didn't think he could possibly be attacked, it was only him, chef, and the contestants after all.

He laid down in his small bed and turned to face the wall, he closed his eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep.

When Chris woke up he noticed he wasn't in his bed anymore, he was on the stretcher? Why was he here? Tied down especially. This was so weird to him but as he looked around he noticed Heather Kasuga, he assumed she'd help him as he began,
"Heather come untie me. I woke up here!"

Heather ignored him and walked up to the lever and began moving it in a circular motion, as it began stretching Chris's body.
"H-hey heather! Stop! That hurts!"
She continued until his body was completely dislocated, his arms long and stiff.

His breaths were harsh and loud.
Heather grabbed the nearest, sharpest object and walked over to Chris and began slitting his hands off, the blood dripped from the stretcher and onto the floor, making a drip, drip, drip sound as she continued.

When she was finished she put the object to his throat and muttered, "I never liked your voice."
And she began to dig the object into his throat until his head was no longer connected to his body.

"And she began to dig the object into his throat until his head was no longer connected to his body

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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