Life without you

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As you were walking on the 34th floor of Aincrad, you heard someone on the
75th floor was injured very seriously and is currently unconscious at the time being. You have heard rumors that it was The Black Swordsman, Kirito, that was the one. (He is the one that introduced SAO to you and the one you have had a crush on for the past 6 years) You were on the verge to burst into tears hearing that the one you love is in danger, so you went around and asked where Kirito is. This young girl replied, "I heard that he is at his place with Asuna, Klein, and Silica. When you heard this your /color/eyes were filled with joy, but also anger because Asuna was your rival in love. It didn't matter to you anymore, all you wanted was to be by Kirito's side.

You rushed to his house, when you walked in you would expect to be happy, but you couldn't be because it looked like he was suffering in pain. You walked slowly to the bed that Kirito laid on asked everyone to leave because you wanted to be alone with him. They respected your wish and left. You looked at his pale face, but directly at his soft lips. You wanted to kiss him, but you hesitated after awhile you decided to steal just one kiss from him. Just when your lips were about to touch, Kirito softly said, "/your name/, where are you? If I can't find you I'll die of loneliness."

To be continued.....

I hope you enjoyed so far, I'll try updating soon.

I would prefer to read on your phone or tablet, because it somehow makes this story suspenseful.

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