"Says the one who wants to screw their own sister." Eirian countered.

"No, I said with Cassady." Aislinn said while placing her right hand on her hip.

"That's still including me you sick bastard." She said disgustedly.

"Well, to let you know, I'm the counter part of a bastard and so, I think you meant to say bitch correct?" With Eirian placing her hands in front of her face then shook her head, in disbelief, Aislinn just continued to smile and walked on like if this was an everyday conversation that you can have during a family picnic.

With a huff, Eirian said, "let's just get this stupid registration done. Faster we get this done, faster that I can start my investigation with this Kayla girl.

"You know sis, if you're patient enough by interacting with them, you can learn a lot more than doing a field observation. If you remember from your phycology class in college, there's a few ways of observation such as—" Before she was able to continue on, Eirian cut her off.

"No shit Sherlock, I know there are numerous of methods but—"

"You would rather evaluate from a far." She finished for her sister. With a shameful nod, Aislinn said, "remember what I've taught you."

"I know. Sometimes I need to use subterfuge to give them a false security of who I really am and that I would need to act stupid so I can downfall my true motives."

"Beautiful!" She said slapping Eirian on the shoulder.

"But how do you do it?" She asked while staring into her sister's sparkling hazel eyes.

"There's a saying that we've all heard before where it goes something like, fake it until you make it, or until you believe it, and in order to believe that you're in that roll, you have to surround yourself in their conformity. You'll never know who you are hanging with until you know what crowd you're hanging with until you test the waters and most times my dear little sister, it's all into the feel of the vibe."

Fine." Eirian surrendered knowing that her pesky sister is right. "Well, looks like where almost there." She pointed up ahead where they were able to see a large white safe room which is only made for business owners, school officials, and high VIP's like the governor who is also a principle for Edison High. Not knowing why, he does such an annoying job especially with immature students who needs to hold their tongue whenever they see her and her sister. Just because they are very beautiful sets of elves doesn't mean they should be googly eying them. It's the same thing that happens all the time. They step out from the training room, they spot her and her sister, Aislinn starts doing Aislinn things, and once they get attach to their beauty. It's a bitch to get them away from them. It infuriates the living shit out of her, but she knows with her training that she must be professional to keep her cover. The governor normally tells these little shits that their here with the principle as a guide and that her sister is a level 1 bard and that she is her twin sister. The only reason why Aislinn comes with her is so she can identify strong presents which, rarely ever happens. The reason why she comes with him is simple. She works for him as his little spy under the (GCA.)

Approaching the large white building, without having to wait, governor Matters steps out from the door and with him greeting them, it was exactly what Eirian was expecting.


Receiving our stats which the only ones who I paid more attention to were Crystal's, Kayla's, Leticia's, Lucio's, and Owen's, including myself of course, but of course, by the quick glimpse I was able to read except for one skill that Mr. Matters wasn't able to read because it was blurred for him but not for me was a skill called Apocalyptical elemental which, if it's what I am thinking it is. That is a rank S elemental and, I think that is the force I was trying to hold onto, but I had no choice but to release it on myself but everything else I received was level 1 down the board except receiving a mixed martial art skill. Thinking about that devastating elemental which if not used correctly, I can kill everything and everyone including myself at a 100-yard radius. If I am correct, to even be able to correctly use apocalyptical elemental, I must be  a level 20 when I receive my second set of classes because if I try now, this whole room with everyone inside of it will be killed and destroyed and now since we are considered official with Futuramous, we can now die and if that happens, we would have to perform the same action, the same set up, the same pain that we have endured, and I don't think anyone wants to do that. When I was looking over the rules when I was younger, in order to level up to level 10 and 20, you must have at least 3 to 5 skills for level 10 while for level 20, you must have 5 to 7 or else your stats will not rank up to the next level. For level 40 and 60, all you have to do in order to rank up to C and B is to take an exam to prove that you are worthy for your next rank. That's including for your further ranks as you hit level S+. Although Lord Flynn is considered a S rank, but because of only having an A cap, the highest that he can go is level 90 which is an A+ rank, but due to taking the position of lord, it pushed him 15 levels higher. That's for anyone who becomes king or queen.

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