chapter 11: Return of Sledgehammer O'Possum

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Cindy was humming as she read her book, then looked up to Robin and Kaitlin. "Oh, hey, guys... Beautiful flowers... Are they for your moms?"

"No, we got them for you." Robin explained with a friendly smile.

"Do you want to be friends?" Kaitlin added.

"Well.... Sure... I always love making new friends," Cindy smiled as she placed her book down and stood with the girls in her age group. She then looked a little anxious. "You're not using me though, right?"

"Of course not," Robin assured. "We'll be like Mike, June, and Dee Dee."

"The Cartoon Girls Rookies." Kaitlin made up a name with a giggle.

"There goes that girl's chance of being my friend." Princess scoffed as she filed her nails.

"Totally!" Mindy agreed, mindlessly texting with her cell phone.

At the Cafeteria, the girls looked around and they did see a pink possum.

"Oh my God, there really is a possum!" Dee Dee gasped.

"I told ya." Skarr remarked.

Mike narrowed her eyes. "That looks like..."

The possum slowly turned its face at the girls.

"Sledgehammer O'Possum!?" Mike and Dee Dee cried.

"Who?" June didn't know who this was.

"Aaaugh, a possum!" Skarr cried as he jumped into June's arms, then realized what the other girls said. "Wait, who's Sledgehammer?"

June blinked at the sudden jump.

"No matter, he's out of this school," Mike growled. "Ready, Dee Dee?"

"Wait, girls!" the pink possum named Sledgehammer stopped them.

"It can talk!" Skarr gasped.

Dee Dee and Mike looked surprised, they then halted their karate poses.

Mike picked up the possum by his tail, glaring down at him. "Alright, buddy, you have ten seconds to tell us why you're invading our school before we lock you up worse than the Red Guy torturing day care students!"

"All right, look, I came here because Dexter sent me to watch that Cindy chick." Sledgehammer explained.

"How do we know you're not lying?" June retorted, then felt stupid. "Wait, I'm talking to a possum..." she was used to talking to Monroe, he was a magic dog after all, but this was embarrassing.

"We live in a cartoon world, what do you expect?" Mike murmured, teasing June slightly in a friendly way, then glared back down at Sledgehammer. "How do we know you're not lying?"

"Yeah, you're a meany!" Dee Dee glared at him, folding her arms. "Even Ren Hoek at Nickelodeon has more decency than you do!"

"Wait, what does he do that's so terrible?" June asked.

"That's not important right now, we're exterminating this twerp..." Mike walked to the cafeteria doors to kick Sledgehammer all the way out of here.

"Wait, ladies," Dexter came in just in time. "Don't... He's telling the truth!"

"Really?" Mike looked at him.

"That can't be true, Dexter," Dee Dee looked appalled at her younger brother. "Why would you trust Sledgehammer O'Possum of all people? All he does is abuse innocent people!"

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