chapter 10: Gym Class

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Cindy got off the school bus the next morning and strapped her backpack close, it was slightly heavier as it had some gym clothes in it and she walked into the school, about to have her official first day of class. She wondered if she would make some new friends today.

"Hello, umm... Cynthia, right?" Johnny greeted the new student.

"Cindy..." the girl said as she walked into her first period gym class while the other students walked to the locker rooms to get changed for the class.

"Hey, Johnny, who's the kid?" a voice called.

The Elvis wannabee turned around to see his girlfriend, Anne-Maria. "Anne-Maria, so glad you could make it," Johnny went to the side of the incoming adult. "This is Clarabelle."

"Cindy..." the new girl corrected again. "Um, is there someplace where I can change my clothes?"

"There sure is, Celestia," Johnny nodded. "Anne-Maria, could you show her?"

"Of course, babe," Anne-Maria smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You know how much I missed you."

"I missed you too..." Johnny grinned. "When's your mama comin' over to knit with my mama and Muriel?" 

Cindy blinked, waiting quietly.

"Friday, she gets off work Thursday," Anne-Maria explained with a loving smile. "But, Johnny, you know the reunion you told me about?"

"Oh, yeah." Johnny smiled.

"Excuse me..." Cindy spoke up.

"Oh, I'll be right back, Johnny, I better help this girl to the locker room," Anne-Maria said, walking with Cindy to the far end of the gym. "You'll use this locker room," she pointed to the pink door while the boys' locker room was blue. "If you're shy about changing in front of the other girls, there's stalls you can get dressed in... Think you can handle it."

"I think so, thanks Miss Anne-Maria." Cindy said before she went in to meet the other girls.

Anne-Maria smiled and went back to see Johnny before class would start.

Cindy walked into the room and saw several other girls that were around her age, she wanted to say hi and meet them, but she decided to quickly get dressed for class.

"So, Johnny, are you nervous about seeing your What a Cartoon friends?" Anne-Maria asked, casually.

Cindy got into a T-shirt and shorts with sneakers behind a bathroom stall. She then smiled and walked out, looking to see the other girls. "Um... Hi..." she greeted the girls that were in the room with her. 

The girls seemed to stare blankly back at her. 

"Hi, are you new?" a girl with shoulder-length brown hair and big blue eyes walked up to her.

"Y-Yeah, I just moved in last week..." Cindy said sheepishly. 

"I know what it's like to be new," the girl smiled. "My name's Robin Snyder." she held out her hand.

Cindy smiled, shaking it. "Cindy Butler."

"It's nice to meet you, Cindy." Robin smiled.

"You're a new girl too?" Cindy asked.

"Yeah, but I've been here since I was five," Robin smiled. "I live next door to the Powerpuff Girls."

"That must be cool," Cindy smiled. "Have you ever been able to go to Cartoon Cartoon Fridays Studio?"

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