chap 2 part 5

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Emily is impressed! The buldge on ur stomach has now pushed ur skirt down and emily wants it to be bigger and she was prepared to make you wet urself

"Mia i am gonna get somethinf really quick!"

You say okay to her after 30 seconds she comes back with 2 large 1 liter water bottles in hand

"I will give you a kiss if you drink both of these~"

You of course wanted a kiss from ur crush and start to drink them ur bulge is getting bigger starting to push up ur shirt after you finish the buldge looks like a 4 month old pregant womans belly!! (+10 bladder points)

"Hmm now thinking of it..2 isnt enough! I want you to be bigger~"

She runs to the back and grabs 10 more 1 liter water bottles and is waiting for u to drink them

What do you do?

A :refuse , chap 2 part 6

B: start to drink them ,chap 2 part 7

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