❁Chapter 9❁

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Feather turns around and stiffens a bit when she spots Florian by the door.

Never in her life has she felt nervous like she does about now.

Not realizing what to say or do or even how to act. She stands frozen in place.

On the other hand, Florian feels his throat tightening up from nerves racking his body. He digs his nails in his palms, slowly approaching the girl stood in front of him.

Even through candle lights, he could see the black circles around her eyes and a pit forms in his stomach.

"What's all this?" Feather bites her tongue as the tone comes out harsher than she intended on.

Florian swallows the lump in his throat, looking up to meet her dark, brown eyes.

They are like coffee beans, darker than any brown he has ever seen. He feels drawn to them, as if the chocolaty swivle of them would drift him away if he stared any longer.

"I-I j- I'm really sorry, Alpha. I shouldn't have ran away. I don't know what came over me, I just panicked and escaped. I wasn't thinking straight. I'm so sorry, but I really want you to know that it isn't you. M-my mind just haywired. I swear, you didn't do anything."

Feather tightens her fists at her sides as the boy before her lets his tears cascade down his cheeks while rambling his part of the defense.

On one hand, she feels like a weight has been lifted off her chest at his statement. On the other hand, she still feels like she couldn't behave with him like she did before. As if she'd have to maintain an invisible barrier.

"It's okay, Florian. I understand."

She desperately wants to wipe his tears away, but doesn't know if it'd be okay to touch him.

Some sort of hurt and disappointment flashes over Florian's face as he stares at the young Alpha in perplexion.

"What?" Feather asks, a bit self-conscious as the other stares.

"Y-you called my full-name." When Feather frowns, Florian clarifies with a blush creeping up his cheeks. "You called me 'Flo' that day. I l-liked it better."

A flattery feeling erupts in the blonde's chest at his confession, but she doesn't let it show on her face though.


"I've made dinner for us." Florian excitedly says and walks to the tray to get the dishes open.

Feather's brows raise. He has prepared all her favorite food. Impressive.

"I also made something else for you."


Florian goes over to their closet and brings out something, hiding the stuff behind him as he stops before her.

Slightly looking up at her through his lashes, Florian bites his bottom lip.

Feather curses inwardly, trying to stop dirty scenarios from playing in her mind as her eyes train on the Omega's teeth sinking in his lip.

"Here." He reveals the thing from behind him and presents it in front of her eyes.

It is a beautifully kneaded flower crown. Hyacinths, roses, orchids, daisies, all of them are neatly and very skillfully carved in between curved stems.

Feather must admit it is a very skilled piece made by none other than her talented mate.

In her heart, she rejoices the fact that she just learned two of his mate's many talents.

"D-do you like it?" He aks slightly fearful.

Feather lets a ghost of a smile take over her once pensive expression, taking the object from his hands and inspecting it closely.

The smell of several flowers makes her smile more, reminding her of the boy that has made it. Florian does smell like flowers, sweet like bees would be drawn to him.

"It's beautiful. Thank you."

"Can I put it on you?" Florian asks shyly.

She doesn't respond verbally, instead pushes the crown back in his hands to let him know it's alright.

Florian takes it and a bit more couragedly, tucks some of her blonde hair behind her ear before going on his tip toes to put the crown on top of her head.

Feather's heart flutters and races from how close the Omega is to her, his body brushing her own. She has to grip her own shirt tight to stop herself from holding him.

"There you go. You look really pretty." Florian says, admiring the crown he's made sitting gracefully atop the blonde head. He feels proud.

When he realizes what he has said, his face heats up. But he's feeling bold tonight, not wanting to waste any more second between them because he's shy or awkward to communicate.

"Thanks." Feather looks over his shoulder to the tray of food. "We have dinner plans with the guests, didn't you know?"

Florian's face falls with realization. How could he be so stupid? He should've known and thought of something better.

Noticing his change in demeanor, Feather quickly assures him by taking his hand. "It's okay. We can have much of this before dinner then join the others."

She suddenly lets go of his hand at the reminder of previous night's events, not wanting to push him into something he's not ready to comply.

Maybe, she did push him a bit too much.

But her doubts don't get to float much as the small boy takes her hand in both of his and smiles up at her.

"You're allowed to touch me whenever you want, Alpha. You don't have to change your attitude around me, or behave differently. Please be like you were before."

He puts his heart out to her, eyes doe and hopeful with a sparkle in them in hope of making her understand just how sincere he is.

Feather could see it all in his strikingly cloudy grey orbs, that linger with dreams of their future.

She nods, smiling brightly for the first time in a week. Her mood's lifted so much that even the exhaustion has drifted away.

Exhaling deeply, as if letting of all the pent up stress and anxiety, Florian drags her to the chairs by the table and sits her down.

He serves a small portion for each of them of what he has prepared.

Nothing much. Garlic bread with white sauce pasta. Juliene told him about the Alpha's likes and dislikes, and Florian must admit he was surprised when he learned that Feather likes when tickled or stroked on her neck.

He never thought a tough, stunt lover Alpha like Feather would be loving gentle strokes or touches. But it also puts a sense of glee in him that she is after all just as soft in the heart as her name.

Feather praises his cooking, enjoying the food a lot and serving herself another spoonful. She finishes it off with sips from the amazing chocolate shake her Omega has prepared.

"You're such an amazing cook." She gushes.

Florian chuckles with pink tinting his cheeks.

"Thank you. Actually I was really bad at all this before." As he begins, Feather looks at him expectantly, admiring his face that glows from the moonlight streaming on through the window. "But at the Blues pack house, they'd beat me till I seasoned foods perfectly, or prepared plates neatly and cleanly. It took several days of starvation and beatings till I actually started to cook really good. And became the best in no time."

This is the first time he has shared about his past life since his arrival here. First time he talked about his abusive life.

Along with her heart shattering, Feather feels her blood boil and she wishes to be able to kill that Alpha again and again till her own last breath.


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