Escape From New York

Start from the beginning

At least that's what the liars assumed. Sienna thought that would be too easy. A knew she was alive, she was sure of it.

She just wasn't sure why A let it be a secret. What would A gain by allowing Sienna to disappear?

It was her mission to keep sights on Ezra while the rest of the liars split into two groups and made there way to the hospital later. Sienna had followed the ambulance to the hospital and stayed in the shadows until she was sure Ezra was safe in the operating room.

"He's good, let's get out of here before A finds us." Sienna motioned to Noel, unknownst to the pair that they were already being watched by A.

Noel and Sienna exited the hospital and returned to Noel's car. The two resting in awkward yet comforting silence as the convened the next part of the plan.

"It's really good to see you, Si." Noel whispered. He blinked soft tears from his eyes. Sienna's heart cracked slightly as she raised a comforting hand to Noel's arm.

"It's good to see you too." His hand closed lightly over Sienna's. The two had once been best friends. They grew closely together when Sienna moved to Rosewood and found companionship throughout lacrosse games. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you," she whispered.

Noel's face contorted at the sight of tears in Sienna's gloomy eyes. The confident girl who never showed emotion was crumbling before him.

"I'm just glad you're okay," he whispered. Sienna nodded her head slightly, surprised by his response. Maybe the girls were right. Maybe she could go home.

"I just want this to be over. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I just want to go home." She admitted. Sienna had worked hard to heal the aches in her heart but they would never truly be healed until she returned home and asked for forgiveness from those she had harmed.

"Then let's get you home. Let's end this." Noel glanced into Sienna's eyes with a determination she had long missed. His thumb continued to brush over the top of her hands in comfort as she squeezed back.

"Let phase 2 begin." She smirked.


In Rosewood, the night was just beginning to become eventful. The Liars families were being awakened by the police as the circumstances of Alison DiLaurentis's death had changed.

Meaning, she wasn't dead.

Young Lola SinClair and her Aunt Jenna were one of the many stops by the department.

"Can I ask what this is about Officers?" Jenna asks, taking a seat on the couch in the living room after inviting the police in and serving them tea. She was the kind of person who welcomed everyone into her home and made them feel welcome.

"Miss SinClair, we don't want to get your hopes up but their has been a new finding in the investigation."

"Oh?" Jenna responds apprehensively. The rosewood police weren't the best at the job so she was trying to squash any sparks of hope that began to form.

"Alison DiLaurentis is alive." The placed the pictures on the table, Jenna's heart skipped a beat. "At the moment we're not sure what this means for your niece. We're not sure how this mistake has happened but if Alison DiLaurentis is alive then another girl has been buried in her place. This leaves us to question if Miss SinClair was also falsely identified."

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