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"Darling?" Reg called from the bedroom, I was in the living room setting up a corner for Vega.

"Yes love?" I called back. Vega laid with her head on my lap while I sorted blankets and toys into her crate to make her feel comfortable.

"Do you want to go out tonight? I've rang Sirius and he says him and Moony will watch Vega if we do." He sat on the couch and Vega trotted over to hop in his lap. He scratched behind her ears until she laid down.

"Yeah, that sounds lovely." He nodded. "What's the occasion?"

"I feel like we haven't gone out, just the two of us, in a while." I hummed in response.

"Tomorrow we're watching Harry." I reminded him.

"We will be there on time to watch Harry."

"He's coming here."

"He's coming here?" I laughed as I got up to sit beside him.

"Yes, love. We told Lily and James we'd watch him here while they repaint the living room, remember?"

"That's tomorrow?"

"Regulus!" He cracked a smile.

"I'm joking, darling. We will be perfectly capable of watching Harry tomorrow. He's going to love Vega."

"Probably going to think she's Sirius."


"You bloody have a key, why are you banging on my door?" Regulus shouted as he walked through the living room. I stood in the doorway of our bedroom watching him, my wand never leaving my hand. He looked at me and peered out the window first, then the peephole. I didn't like when people knocked now, that was why we gave our friends keys.

"It's just Sirius, amor." Regulus calmed my nerves as he undid the locks.

"Sorry, I left the key at home." Sirius pulled Reg into a hug, peering at me over his shoulder. "Didn't mean to scare ya, Vix." He walked over and pulled me into a hug. He kissed the top of my head and whispered apologies. I patted his back.

"It's alright Siri." I told him as I turned to finish getting ready. I zipped the side of my heeled boots and walked out. Moony whistled as I entered the room.

"Regulus Potter, you're the luckiest man alive." He told him. Reg just smiled at me, taking in the bell bottom jeans and small crochet top Lily had made me.

"I surely am." He kissed the side of my head before twirling me again. Sirius held the dog as he leaned against the wall.

"Okay, lovebirds. Go. Have fun." He shooed us off. Reg began to pull me through the door.

"Oh! There's soup in the fridge still, and pasta, plenty of snacks. The wine is up for grabs!" Moony muttered yeah's and uh-huh's between every word as he walked us to the door. He waved before closing it behind us.

"You'll make a fine mother one day." Regulus joked.

"Oh, they don't know where the tea is!" I turned around, Reg grabbed around my waist.

"They're grown men, amor. They will figure it out." I looked up at him with a tilted head. He pulled his lips into a straight line as he released his grip on me. "Yeah, I heard it as it came out of my mouth. Go."


We were seated in a fancy restaurant, with a fancy menu and fancy servers. I'd never felt more out of place, but Reg looked like he fit right in. He knew this life, it was second nature now, but it had always been his life. I watched as the servers meticulously avoided each other with trays of food and drinks while hearing rings from the back kitchen.

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