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I sat down between mum and dad at our weekly friday night dinner. Regulus slid in beside me while Lily fastened Harry into his highchair.

"So, Minnie asked if I'd take over Transfigurations." I mentioned as everyone settled into their seats. James looked over to me.

"You? A professor?" He laughed out. I rolled my eyes.

"You? A parent?" Lily swatted my arm while Sirius laughed. "Oi! He started it!"

"I just meant I'd think she'd consider Remus before you." I looked to Moony, who just put one finger to his lips.

"I did too. I said as much."

"Do you think you'll quit being an auror?" Dad asked. I shrugged. Mum reached behind Regulus and patted my back.

"Whatever you do, you'll make the right choice." She reassured me. I nodded. Dad coughed awkwardly. Mum shook her head. I glanced between them.

"What?" I asked. Mum coughed. "What?" Mum sighed.

"So, darling, the ministry is going to put you on trial again." He said slowly. Regulus instictively grabbed my hand under the table. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"That's bullshit." James interjected. I sighed.

"No, it's alright." I finally spoke. Sirius shook his head.

"Will they call me this time?" Regulus asked before Sirius could. Dad pulled his lips taught.

"Reg, you're her husband." He told him, Reggie shook his head.

"I was also a spy. I saw him at deatheater meetings and order meetings. I heard him relay Dumbledor's information. I'm the best witness there is, why won't they call me?" I squeezed his hand tighter. Mum grabbed his shoulder.

"You're too close to the case darling." She told him. He sighed.

"But I know." He was an inch away from tears. Mum gave his shoulder a squeeze. I closed my eyes.

"Enough," Mum's voice was stern, but caring. She placed both her hands on the table. "If the Ministry wants to persecute my daughter for a crime she committed out of the defense of her family, they will call all of us. They will hear her side, they will hear Regulus' side, and they will hear from me if they have any issues. You will tell them that Monty." Dad nodded.

"Yes, dear."

"Now. Remus, dear, how is the job hunt going?" Mum asked as she shoveled potatoes on my plate. I opened my mouth to protest, but she just held up a finger to silence me. I took a spoonful. I nudged Reg to do the same. He took a bite of his roll.


I was throwing Harry up in the air while he giggled. I pulled him close to my chest and collapsed on the couch with him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and held me tight. He pulled back and grabbed my face.

"Novie sad?" He asked, I shook my head.

"No, baby. Novie's not sad." I told him, he squished my face. I made a kissy face at him to make him laugh.

"Harry? Are you playing with Auntie Novie to avoid going to sleep?" James asked from the doorway of the kitchen. Harry giggled and buried his head in my shoulder.

"No." He replied muffled by my shirt. I tickled his side while he hid. James sat beside me and grabbed his son. Harry sat on Jamie's lap looking up at him.

"I think gran has a biscuit for you if you go find her." He whispered. Harry hopped off James' lap and went running for mum. James wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I leaned my head on his.

"You know you hardly committed a crime, right?" James asked. I shrugged.

"I killed him, Jamie. Our longest friend."

"He was going to kill me and Lily. He had Harry."

"I know. I just wonder what would have happened if I used a different spell."

"I'd be dead, Nova." He moved to look at me. "Lily would be dead. Harry would be dead. You and Regulus saved us." I rolled my neck so I didn't have to look at him. He sighed.

"It's just fucked up, innit? I mean I was twenty-one and I killed one of my best mates. You were twenty-one and almost died. We were all twenty-one and in a fight for our lives. Now, we're nearing twenty-two and I've been on trial to go to Azkaban two times becuase they still think he might have been innocent."

"It's fucked up." He replied after a minute as he wiped tears I hadn't even noticed had fallen. I nodded. Reggie cleared his throat from the entryway.

"About ready, love?" He asked. I nodded.

"Let me say bye to mum and dad." He nodded and followed behind me. I hugged mum tight.

"You're not going to Azkaban." She told me. She'd been telling me this for a year. I just nodded against her shoulder. I hugged dad next. He just kissed my head. I picked up Harry as he gave me a massive hug before I handed him back to Lily. She kissed my cheek as she pulled me into a sidehug.

"Stop hogging her you lot." Sirius joked as he pulled me from Lily's grip. He and Moony hugged me tight before Sirius moved on to Reg. Moony didn't let go.

"Marauders 'till we die, right?" He whispered the words Peter once said in our livingroom. I could picture the five of us sprawled out over couches over the holidays, but Pete didn't look like Pete anymore. He was just a figure of someone I once knew. I hugged Moony tighter.

"Marauders 'till we die."

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