Ash celadon gym battle

Start from the beginning

Erika:Tangela! [She yelled running over to check on her hurt Pokemon it was ok but very hurt after taking all this hits from primeape ]

Erika:What in the world is up with your Pokémon is this payback for not letting you in ash?! [She exclaimed showing the state Tangela was in ].

Ash:I swear Erika I'm so sorry primeape a new Pokemon I just got recently still learning how to get in sync with it. I promise this won't happen again! [he exclaimed as he apologized his Pokemon behavior].

Erika:It's ok I forgive you but if this happens again I will not hesitate on disqualifying ash [She said recalling Tangela to its pokeball and pulling out another].

Erika:Weepinbell I choose you! [She said releasing Weepinbell onto the battlefield as it]. Weepinbell:Bell.

Ash:Ok,Charmander you ready to go in buddy?

Charmander:Charman! [It said nodding to ash as it steps onto the battlefield ready to battle with Erika].
Erika:Weepinbell,razor leaf now! [She shouted. Using its leaf's,Weepinbell spins around as it sends out razor leaf]. Ash:Charmander,Flamethrower,full blast! Charmander:Char! [Screamed Charmander,sending his flamethrower towards Weepinbell's razor leaf. Weepinbell and his attack are burned as struggled moving ].

Ash:Yes,way to go.Now let's just finish it up. [Said ash and Charmander goes in for the attack his mouth wide open ] Fire fang,now!

[Charmander knock's Weepinbell into the ground as it bites down hard with fire fang until it's knocked out]. Erika:Weepinbell return Now! [She recalls Weepinbell as Green smiled at Ash progress]. Brock:Ash is doing well. Lexus:yeah he might actually win this battle. Green:he's a lot more impressive than he looks guys trust me ash totally got this one. Erika:Your battle skills are impressive,ash. But there's one thing you don't have empathy with your Pokémon. Without it,you'll never become a great Pokemon trainer like me Now I'm going to teach you a lesson in empathy. Green:This is going to be lesson of the year. [Green said sarcastically]. Erika:Gloom,Go! [Erika said letting out gloom ]
Erika:Let's begin! Gloom, start the battle off with Petal Dance.

[Gloom then used Petal Dance which shoots pink petals at Charmander]

Ash:Charmander,burn it all away with flamethrower. [Charmander nods and burns all the pink petals away as burnt ashes scattered across the field ]. Erika:Oh no you don't! Gloom, Stun Spore!

[Ash gasped as Gloom shoots Stun Spore at Charmander. Charmander coughs and then fell to the ground unable to move]


Lexus:Helios is paralyzed!

Misty:Oh no!

Brock:How is ash gonna get out of this?

Gym staff:Go, Ms. Erika! [one of the gym staff cheered]

Gym staff:Keep it up! [another gym staff added]

Erika:Gloom, use Acid on Charmander!

[Gloom spit Acid at Charmander which hits and causes damage to Helios].

Erika:Now use another Petal Dance!

[Gloom then fired Petal Dance and hits Charmander, sending it skidding on the ground]


[Charmander tries to get up]

Green:Come on. Get up!

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