"Is your brain made of thistledown? You just scared away my prey!" 

A gray tabby she-cat padded over to stand next to the apprentice. "My apologies. This is his first time out of camp, he was just apprenticed last night." 

"So what if he's just been made a 'paw? Every ThunderClan kit knows that if you go prancing through the woods like a overweight badger, the prey will go hide their burrows and dens. Are ShadowClan kits not taught this?" Ivytail huffed.

"Yes, our kits are taught that." The ShadowClan she-cat replied evenly. "But I'm sure you remember how exiting it was on your first outing as a new apprentice."

Before Ivytail could speak, a new voice joined them. 

"What in Starclan is going on here? And why is Smokepaw standing there like he's just seen a fox?" A reddish-brown tom appeared, and his gaze surveyed Ivytail up and down before resting on his clanmate. 

"We might as well be dealing with a fox the way this one is acting." The she-cat muttered, unknowing that Ivytail's sharp hearing could pick up every word. 

"I'm no fox!' She growled. 'I'm a warrior of ThunderClan."

The tabby she-cat snapped her gaze to Ivytail, looking embarrassed. "Oh, I didn't mean-"

"Fox-dung to that!" Ivytail hissed. "You meant it all right! ShadowClan cats are liars, and that's a fact." 

The reddish tom stepped forward, his fur bristling, and his ears pinned back. "Say that again fox-breath!" He growled. 

"Fine. ShadowClan cats are lying, disgraceful, cowardly fox-dung." 

"Mouse-heart!" He shrieked and flew at her across the border. The two cats became a tumbling, yowling mass of fur. Ivytail bit his tail and he swiped her ear. Scarlet blood dotted the sand-colored ground. Battle rage filled her from ears to tail tip until she barely knew where she was swiping anymore, her vision blurry and unfocused. Suddenly, Ivytail felt herself being dragged off the ShadowClan tom by the scruff as if she were a naughty apprentice. 

"Let me go!' She shrieked. 

"Stop!" The commanding and familiar yowl made her fall silent. "Ivytail! What in StarClan is going on here?"

Ivytail was panting as she fought to catch her breath. The thrill of battle disintegrated, and her vision unblurred. Blood was dripping from multiple wounds on the tom, and the apprentice, Smokepaw, looked horrified. She looked over to see that the cat who had dragged her from the ShadowClan cat was her clanmate Aspenstreak. Next to him were Briarshine and the clan leader, Fawnstar. Of course, just my dumb luck that the patrol who sees all this includes my clan leader. I'm going to be cleaning dens for a moon!

She stood up, wincing when her ear stung. "This mouse-brain." She began, waving her tail at Smokepaw. "Scared away my prey." 

Fawnstar's eyes glinted with disbelief. "Great StarClan, that's what all this is about? Ivytail, for StarClan's sake, this is the fourth time this moon you've gotten in a fight with someone." The brown leader let out an exasperated sigh. "We'll continue this conversation elsewhere." She dipped her head to the ShadowClan cats. "I'm sorry about this, but we must be going now. May StarClan light your path." 

"And yours." The tabby she-cat responded. 

Fawnstar waved her tail for the patrol to follow and headed in the direction of camp. Ivytail trailed behind, her ears flattened and her head low. They padded into camp. Fawnstar waved her tail for Ivytail to join her at the edge of camp, and Ivytail padded over. 

"Ivytail, Ivytail, Ivytail." She sighed. "What is StarClan am I supposed to do with you? Ever since Mistpool died you've been acting like an angry fox, fighting with ev-"

"Don't bring my sister into this!" Ivytail snapped.

Fawnstar eyed her. 

"Sorry." She muttered.

"Are you hurt?" Fawnstar asked, changing the subject. 

"Just my ear but I can see Frostberry later." 

"Alright." Fawnstar meowed. "All I'm trying to say Ivytail,is just try to be more accepting of other cats. I know you weren't born in the clan, but you came pretty close. There are plenty of cats here who care about you. Cedarscar, for one."

"Yeah right." Ivytail huffed. "Mistpool was the only one who truly cared about me." 

"Well, I wouldn't be too sure of that. Why don't you ask Cedarscar to come hunting with you and see how you feel then."

"Why Cedarscar?" Ivytail asked blatantly.

"You'll see. And try to be nice." Fawnstar meowed. Her eyes twinkled as she padded away into the center of camp.

 Ivytail sighed. How can this day get any worse?

Ivytail's choice: A warrior cats OC storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora