The Beginning

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Y/N Pov

I sprinted through the large halls of our house.

"Mr. Y/N! You need to come back here!"  Two guards were chasing me around, their rifles strapped to their backs, their red coats swaying around as they chased me around the halls I knew like the back of my hand.

"i don't wanna!" I yelled back as I continued running. I suddenly ran into someone's arms as I was lifted up. 

"Come on Y/N. You have to listen to the guards." My cousin said to me, scolding me.

"Come on Lara! I don't wanna!" I retorted. Lara just chuckled as she smiled down at me. She was only three years older than me, at eleven years old, but she was already so mature. So much more mature than me. The guards finally caught up to us as they both had sweat dripping down the sides of their faces.

"Sorry Mrs.-"

"It's fine. Thank you." Lara said bowing down in front of the guards. She went back to her timid, quiet version of herself. That's just how she was raised.

"Hey!" A loud deep voice echoed through the halls as I was set down. I knew immediately who it was, as I straightened my posture. The guards recoiled as a tall man walked through the hallway. He was my father.

"Mr. Charles!" Both the guards said in unison as they bowed down.

"It's okay. You guys aren't the problem." Dad said as he smiled at the guards, making them both sigh in relief. 

"Please leave us. You too Lara." My dad said as both the guards and Lara nodded as they left. 

"Y/N." Dad said in a low voice again. I looked down, ready for a scolding but he said nothing. I looked back up at him as he had a smirk on his face. He then started chuckling.

"You run away from the guards because of a dressing rehearsal? I thought I raised you better." Dad said as he was chuckling in between words.

"I hate dressing rehearsals! It makes me feel like I'm trying to be better than everyone!" I said as my dad looked at me, this time with a more serious look.

"You have to Y/N. We are the Tybur. We have to look and be the part. If we don't support Marley, the world will rain down on it. The cost of war is immense Y/N. If we don't do our part, everyone will die." My dad said as I looked confused at him.

"Even Lara? How about Willy?" I asked as he nodded.

"That's why we have to do our part." My dad said as I nodded.

"I'll do my part and change the world!"


I walked through the dimly lit room as my dad sat upon a platform, his arms chained against the walls of the large room.

"Are you ready, Y/N?" Uncle David asked me as I nodded. Uncle David was Willy and Lara's dad, and was going to help me with this. Thank you, father. For giving me life. I know mom died when I was born, and you'll be with her soon. I promise, I'll make a difference in this world, like I said three years ago. With this power, I'll change the world.

"Yes. I am ready." I replied to my uncle as he nodded. He opened a small box with a syringe and purple liquid in it as he prepared the syringe. After he finished he brought it up to my arm and stabbed it into my arm. I slowly felt this sensation go through my body as I looked around. Uncle was moving far away quickly with everyone else as my father was smiling down at me. 

3rd Pov

Sparks started to spark around the boy as a lightning bolt struck down on the boy, a gigantic creature taking his place. (Imagine your own pure titan) It looked around, turning to the chained man as it strode towards the man. The man simply smiled at the titan as it grabbed him, breaking the chains off as it lifted the man above its head, dropping him into its large mouth, biting him in half as blood spurted everywhere. The titan suddenly collapsed down, steam coming out of the nape. Multiple guards moved towards the collapsed giant as they took blades and sliced the nape of the creature open, revealing the boy, with red marks on his face. The power continues to pass on. But this time... it'll be different.


Short chapter but it is just an introduction. More will come soon.

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