How the Moon Revolution Ended

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After the moons took down Mars and Venus they went to go find more numbers

*after the Earth's Redemption*

Earth was looking for Mars and Venus,but they were nowhere in sight.Earth looked everywhere except the asteroid belt till one Space evening he decided to look in the asteroid belt only to see Venus and Mars heavily hurt.

"VENUS,MARS WHAT HAPPENED?!"Earth says in an alarmed tone

"*cough* *cough* there's a moon revolu-*cough*Mars says in a weak tone

'Revolution there's a moon revolution they're afte-*cough *cough*"Venus says in a weak tone


"you"mars says

Before they both no longer had their sentience



They unfortunately died.Earth mourned for his friend's death."no more games NO MORE" 

~time skip :D~

Europa and Ganymede were having a conversation.

"should we go and attack Earth now?" Ganymede

"no not yet,we should wait for Titan" Europa

"I guess i shou-"Ganymede

"Actually since we still have some time lets make our army stronger"Europa


As Ganymede goes on  he feels like hes getting watched.he even turns around."anybody there?" "this is not a game!come out"when this shadowy plant-like figure comes out and stabs Ganymede with an asteroid right on his eyes blinding him.

"AHHHHH"Ganymede screeches in the moons hears Ganymede's distress calls they come to the rescue,but its far too late.Ganymede had died due to getting blinded and stabbed to death by an asteroid.the moons were horrified by seeing Ganymede's dead body and a note right on it saying "you're next"with bloody smile on the of the moons told Europa about it.Europa was crestfallen,but she knew it could one be one person she forced everyone to stay in the revolution,just in case if it was one of the moons.but cant be. Ganymede would've put up a fight if it was one of the moons.

It had to be the Earth.Europa then tells the moons of what to do.

"GET EARTH,FIND HIM AND KILL HIM HE HAS GONE TOO FAR!"Europa was enraged with fury she could just,she could just go and find a weapon to help kill the Earth she had a plan for the attack.the moons would badly injure the Earth then Europa delivers the final blow.but Europa made a horrid mistake,and went to go get a big asteroid by her the asteroid belt.that's when she a bloody asteroid is in front of her.she then feels a feeling surging inside her,a feeling she knew well.the feeling of being watched.she then "runs"

"I GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE"when this big asteroid hits her in the head.that's when she blacks out.she wakes up tied,and all."Earth tell me why are u doing this?"."why?WHY?,YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?" "YOU TOOK MY FRIENDS LIFE I'M TAKING YOURS"Europa was gonna talk but she was interrupted with an asteroid going straight into her mouth."but first before i end you just tell me why?why kill my friends?" "they refused to join us" Earth was furious with their stupid reasoning,and put the asteroid straight into her mouth to the point where it through her.

"now time to get the rest of them" Earth laughs manically.the moons were looking for Earth when half of them get wiped out by Earth.Earth used his asteroid carved into this "knife"it stabs half of the moons the moons questioned where Europa was till they realized.they all ran in fear.Earth with a big creepy smile on his face saying "i have to get all of them its the only way"

"Earth is truly going insane"says Dione

"we gotta tell Jupiter and Saturn!"says Ensalada

As Titan gets back he sees the bloody mess.luckily Earth left to handle some "business." Titan was horrified by the scene.he wondered what happened it seemed that there some kind of war.he didn't wanna stay around for long,so he left.but keep Titan in mind he'll be important later on

Earth had gone once again to sharpen his "blade" he wanted it sharp enough,but why so big?its big enough to kill a planet.turns out Earth went back into depression.he had no purpose now he just wanted to end his self,but then the moon comes out."Earth whats the knife for?"Earth responds"for me.." "Earth won't go down this path!not again!" "but Mars and Venus died.." the moon was shocked to hear this but he follows up with "they may have died,but they don't want you to suffer for them you can help by living for them" "Earth was a bit lifted by the moons speech."guess you're right.wait a minute.Earth why does the knife have blood on it.then Earth all of the sudden points it right at the moon."you don't wanna know..." the moon was concerned by it."um don't tell me you killed someone"Earth laughs hysterically."your so funny moon,me kill someone?"Earth joked around of what the moon said.

But then he realizes the moon was as serious as 9/11.the Earth attempts to kill the moon,but fails.the moon runs in a rush to go and tell Jupiter.Earth tries to throw whilst going in the chase.the moon almost got hit when Titan blocks it to save the moon."y-you saved me" "yeah I want this Earth insane thing to end go tell Jupiter now,ill hold him off"and that's why I said to keep Titan in mind.Earth then eventually hits Titan on the head.he passes out,but no time to  torture him.Earth dashed to find the moon,but luckily the moon goes to Jupiter in time."Jupiter                                                                                                                                                                                                  Earth went insane can you help" "sure thing" says Jupiter.Earth meets with the two."you,YOU"then Earth gets hit with a crucifix."is that all we needed?" says moon."no we have lots of holy water on him!"they pour buckets after buckets of holy water.Earth turns out was turned insane enough because of his earthlings, his earthlings driven him.crazy."but what did they do to make him like this."i think he's been reading stories on Wattpad about him." "no wonder he's insane"

But Earth has been reverted back to normal,and now it's time for our happy ending.Venus and mars were able to be revived while for Ganymede and Europa,and half the moons stayed dead.i mean nobody can surive Europa and Ganymede's death.they all lived happy lives.enjoyed of what they do best.

The End

this is the end of the story it took me almost an whole hour!but remember this is my AU.i probably should've mentioned that at the beginning.well cya have a good morning,afternoon,evening,or night bye!

1025  words long

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