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Today I'm telling you a little something about Uranus at least 10?

1.Uranus is named after the Greek god of the sky,or heaven. father of Saturn, grandfather of Jupiter

2.Uranus has the third largest diameter in our solar system

3.Uranus was the first planet found in 1781 by an astronomer

4.Uranus is the second-least dense planet

5.Uranus is surrounded by 13 set of rings

6.you can fit 63 Earth's inside Uranus

7.the discoverer of Uranus wanted it to be called Georgium Sidus

8.Uranus has a tilt of 97.77

9. 80% of its mass is a fluid mix of water,methane and ammonia ice

10.Uranus rings are a bright blue color

people i saw something unexpecting(true btw)

Male planets:sun,Mars,Jupiter,and Saturn

female planets:Moon,Venus Neptune,and Pluto( though Pluto is related to Mars despite its dark mother feminine archetype)

neuter:Mercury and Uranus

Earth is an object object=no gender

Bonus(not Uranus btw)

1.Ganymede is named after a Trojan prince

2.Ceres is a moonless,ringless dwarf planet

3.Saturn could float in water because its mostly made of gas

That is it hope you enjoyed learning facts about Uranus and the other ones


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