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At least 10 facts :D

1.Titan shape changes

2.Titans atmosphere is denser then Earths

3.Life could arise on Titan

4.Titans diameter is 50% larger than that of Earths moon

5.Titan is bigger than Earth's moon,and Mercury!

6.Titan is an icy moon with a surface of rock-hard water ice

7.Titan does not have high mountains

8.Titan was discovered by Christiaan Huygens

9.Titan has no magnetic field

10.Titan takes 15 days and 22 hours to complete a full orbit of Saturn


1.Venus is the brightest natural object in the sky after the moon

2.It takes our moon 27.3 days for the moon to travel all the way around the Earth

3.Nereid(Neptune's moon) was discovered May 1st, 1949

Thats all of the 10 facts for Titan byeeee!

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