Trinity must've gotten the message by now because she held up her hands in defeat. "Alright, alright. You win. Thank you for trying, I guess."

I didn't like how things had gotten so tense so quickly after such a nice time unpacking my car and touring the house. Maybe I was just on edge after a long day of travel.

"I'm... I'm gonna hop in the shower and chill in my room for a bit," I told her, still a little uneasy. "Go ahead and finish your work for the day."


As I came to learn, Trinity was not the type to hold a grudge. She left me alone to unpack my things and set up what'd be my home for at least the next couple months. Neither the lipstick nor anything beauty-related was brought up the rest of the day. She must've realized her overstep and that pushing makeup on boys is not the best way to garner trust.

But that evening, she more than made up for it by preparing a lovely first dinner for the two of us — delicious tofu stir-fry. Trinity, like myself, was a vegetarian. But unlike myself, Trinity was an excellent cook. I always thought that the best cooks are able to fill you up twice: first with the smell, and later with the taste.

Already I could tell that living with Trinity would be safe, nurturing, and peaceful. In many respects that was ideal — after all, who doesn't want a secure home life? But I had to be careful not to get too comfortable. My time in Old Buffalo wasn't going to last forever, and I had my eye firmly on the next stage of life — a nursing job at a glitzy, downtown Chicago hospital.

These days, an ADN degree doesn't get you much, especially in the hyper-competitive Chicagoland area. In order to get a decent job, I'd either need a Bachelor's degree in Nursing (which I don't have), or a passing score on the NCLEX exam — which we call 'the boards'. Passing the boards would give me the RN designation necessary for a fighting chance. In fact, ADNs are already in an uphill battle against BSNs... but hey, it's the hand I've been dealt and the one I'm gonna play. So my 'job' for the next couple months is to study-up and make myself the best possible candidate... whatever that entails.

I communicated this clearly to Trinity, and she was supportive of my studies. I'd have my space, she'd have hers. We'd respectfully live our separate, very different lives.


"Morning! Sleep okay?" Trinity asked with pep as I trudged downstairs to the kitchen. Damn, I thought that getting up at eight in the morning I'd be the first one up, but it looked like she'd already returned from a run and was halfway into cooking breakfast.

"Fine, thanks," I said through a yawn. I peered over the pan. "Are those sausage links?"

"Beyond sausage," she replied. "I'm in love with that fake meat stuff. It's a vegetarian's mistress!" Trinity flipped the links another time and determined them ready. "Want some?"

I checked the time on my phone. "Sure, but I'm eating quick today. My plan is to treat studying like a 9 to 5 job. There's a library nearby right?"

"Good on you! And there sure is. It's in that sleepy part of downtown near city hall. Nice area to walk around too."

I snacked on my fake meat links and a couple eggs Trinity scrambled up as well. "Any plans for you today?"

"Gotta film a couple videos this morning. Then I'll probably swim some laps at the club. Oh! And I got some things I need to bring down from the garage attic..."

"Jeez, active day!" I replied.

Yesterday's dinner conversation all but confirmed that Trinity was in the 'upper class' of Old Buffalonians. Not only was she a homeowner, but she was a member of Golden Dunes Country Club. By the sound of it, anybody who's anybody was a member there. Old money, new money... as long as you had money and lived in Old Buffalo, you were a member of Golden Dunes.

Can You Lend a Hand?: A Gradual Feminization NovelWhere stories live. Discover now