Chapter Two

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I don't think Trinity realized how strange her question was. If she had, she wouldn't be looking at me so matter-of-fact. Was this supposed to be a joke?

"I... I don't wear lipstick," I told her with full sincerity, though my voice was wavering a tad.

"I know. You said that. I'm suggesting you try it on and give me your thoughts. Always better to have a second opinion."

A million reasons for why this was a dumb idea popped in my head. And still, I was blown away by Trinity's earnestness. My Aunt — a forty-something beauty product influencer — wanted to share her interest with me. So in that regard her proposal was actually kind of sweet. But 'sweet' doesn't mean 'rational'.

My face was stuck in this weird, uncomfortable contortion as I mulled over her question. My prolonged silence and hesitation was becoming funny to her.

"Oh, don't be such a little wuss," Trinity teased. "Life's all about trying new things! It's not like you'll be on camera."

Hmm... She's right. It's only the two of us after all. I stared across the room at Trinity, playfully twisting the tube of lipstick in her hand. The sound of the twisting tube was like a siren's song, luring me toward disaster.

"Okay but you have to put it on me," I said, finally backing down.

Trinity was ecstatic. "Yes! You'll look so darling, I guarantee it." She grabbed my hand and pulled me closer, molding her mouth into a weird shape. "Put your lips like this and try not to move."

I did as told, standing as still as possible while she gracefully applied the product to my lips. It didn't take long — 15 seconds at most — but her reaction suggested I looked like a whole new person. "Ah, I knew it! You do look darling."

Enough already. I had to see myself. I scooted around Trinity to a mirror hanging in the living room and...


I didn't exactly look like a different person, but the bold red pop on my lips changed the entire energy of my face. It was as if my face had a secret femininity that was unlocked by the red lips. My bold, brown eyes, thin nose, and tight jawline suddenly seemed softer and girlier paired with the new lip color.

"That's the power of makeup," Trinity said, giggling as she watched me purse my lips in the mirror. "A good lip can change a face for the better."

"I don't know if I'd say 'for the better'..." I replied cynically. "I look like a freaking girl!"

Trinity came up behind me and tugged at my hair tie, loosening my brunette ponytail and letting it fall onto my shoulders. Her eyes widened. "Nope. Because now you look like a freaking girl!"

One look at myself with my hair down and the red lipstick and I nearly lost it. I retreated from the mirror, overwhelmed by this new, shockingly feminine appearance. "Okay, that's it! We're done here. This is too freaky."

Trinity was dying with laughter. "You're so sensitive! Are you always this jumpy?"

"No, but I'm also not normally wearing lipstick with my hair down!" I snagged a tissue from the table and started rubbing my lips to get the makeup off as fast as possible. Trinity rushed over to stop me.

"Wait, you promised me a review!" she pestered, grabbing the tissue from my hands. "Just tell me, what did you think?"

Seriously? Was furiously removing it not a clear enough answer? "Freaky. That's my review."

She rolled her eyes. "Ugh, you boys could really learn to lighten up. I actually thought you looked pretty."

"I know. I did. That's the problem," I told her firmly.

Can You Lend a Hand?: A Gradual Feminization NovelWhere stories live. Discover now