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sonic is seen chilling near the emerald coast pool, laying on a beach chair with his eyes closed
enjoying and relaxing his time there. suddenly sonic hears sounds of a plane, opening his eyes.

SONIC: huh?

sonic sees his plane the tornado flying in the air looking like it's about to crash and looks closer
seeing tails is the one piloting it.

SONIC: what? tails?

EZRAN: he looks like he's about to crash!

SOREN: nah, king. that fox is smart besides we've seen him
fly a plane before. *takes a sip from his smoothie* he's got this.

PEARL: doesn't seem like it to me.

SOREN: how do you know?

PEARL: because i piloted a plane before.

STEVEN UNIVERSE: it was working...then it failed.

tails in his prototype plane is heading down to emerald coast to crash.

SONIC: watch out! you're gonna crash! ahhh!

tail crashed his prototype plane far away from sonic in emerald coast leaving a shake on the ground.

PEARL: *looks to soren smirking* you were saying?

SOREN: okay fine! *take small sip of smoothie and pouts*
i guess you're right.

DR EMILIA: what did you expect from that mutant fox? he
can't even fly a plane right because he's a-- *get's whacked by
a bat by polly who jumps back to her seat* aahh!

POLLY SPRIG: shut it, brother killer!


ZEON: RIGHT ON! *high fives good sisters and polly*
now back to the show.

SONIC: tails... oh what am i gonna do with you?

sonic jumps over the pool and speeds inside emerald coast as he destroys badniks in his path while
speeding through emerald coast to rescue his buddy tails. sonic encounters a killer whale as it destroys
the platform behind him but sonic escapes it and uses jump panels quick and does a spindash through
a loop da loop. finally sonic sees tails and the tornado and gets him out as the two go back to emerald coast

gogo is shocked of sonic's speed, agility and reflexes and pops her bubblegum of the speed sonic possesses. quicksilver
can't believe how fast the hedgehog has become and grumbles jealous and insecure. wanda seeing this snickers quietly
with zeon. but heroes are surprised that the fox has aged since they last saw the two tailed adorable fox.

 but heroes are surprised that the fox has aged since they last saw the two tailed adorable fox

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