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Warning! This story contains depictions of domestic abuse, near noncon, censored cursing, accusations of cheating, and almost smut. I apologize if I missed anything.


"Where the h*ll were you?" Billy questioned in a firm, frustrated tone. You were used to this. He'd yell, throw things, yell some more, then apologize and beg you not to leave him. He always promised he'd try to be better but seemed to not be trying very hard.

"Tiff got sick, I walked her out to her car and ended up driving her home." You said in a soft tone which usually helped him quiet himself. You didn't like when people yelled. It made you feel nervous, especially since Billy's raised voice was so harsh.

"And you didn't think to tell me? I don't know where those balls came from but you need to take it down a notch." He stepped closer your, putting his arm out to press his hand against the wall. He was blocking you from walking away. His parents weren't home for the weekend so it was just you, Billy, and Max. However, Max was at El's for the night. Which unfortunately left you and Billy to have the whole house to yell and scream all night.

You stopped walking, stared up at him, and tried not to look frustrated, even if you were fuming. Scared but fuming.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you but she was throwing up and it got all over me. I had to take one of her shirts before coming back here. Can I please walk by so I can shower?" You tried to step through, gently pushing his arm down. He only placed two fingers against your sternum, pushing you back slightly.

"Don't push me, little girl." His eyes darted between yours, that familiar look in his eyes. His dad had the same look before he'd lay his hands on Billy and it scared the day lights out of you. You swallowed hard, your hands starting to fidget by your sides.

"I'm sorry. May I please go?" Somehow your voice had become even softer. As if you were trying to calm down a feral kitten.

He didn't budge, only blinked at you as if you were an idiot.

"Was Tommy there? I know how he looks at you. Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I don't know you're going over there to f*ck him?" He stepped closer to you, making you take a step back. Your eyes were wide.

"What?" Your voice was high due to being in shock. Billy raised an eyebrow. "Why would I want Tommy? I'm with you and I make a point to not be alone with him. Ever. Not even if Tiffany's home and in another room. Maybe you are stupid for thinking I'd cheat on you." Your face went pale as soon as the words came out. You didn't mean to say it but you did. It came out like word vomit.

"That's not-" You quickly tried to reassure him that's not what you meant but he was already stepping closer. He had you backed up against the front door, staring at you, his chest heaving in anger. Without even attempting to calm himself, he raised his hand, the back of it landing against your cheek in a harsh smack.

"Watch your f*cking mouth. Get the f*ck out. Now." He grabbed you by your arm, pulling you away from the door so he could swing it open harshly. He didn't even let you walk out, he just pushed you so you'd be out of the front door and on the porch. The door slammed so hard that your hair flew up and into your face. Your sore, burning face. Of course he had been angry with you before but never enough to hit you. You wanted to scream at him, cry and apologize, maybe even call any guy bigger than him to take care of the problem. But you knew you couldn't.

"I.." you started to say something but felt that it was best if you didn't. So you went to your car and drove home, crying the whole time. Little did you know as soon as you were out of the door, panic and guilt settled in his stomach. He held his breath when he heard your voice and silently put his ear up to the door to try and hear you. He felt even worse when he heard you let out a quiet sob as you walked off to your car. He couldn't make up for it this time. No amount of hugs and kisses, flowers, car rides, or anything else could get you to forgive him this time. It was eating him from the inside out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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