"I moved Brian...How'd you find my address?" Christiana asked as she pulled groceries out of bags 

  "I'm a FBI agent Chris"

  "So you're stalking me...that's creepy"

  "I'm not stalking you Chris I just wanted to get you flowers" Brian explained with a sigh "We'll they're pretty...but flowers isn't making up for anything" Christiana reminded

   "They're not apology flowers...you just deserve them"

you just deserve them"

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  𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑵𝑬𝑿𝑻 𝑫𝑨𝒀 should've been chaotic but oddly enough it wasn't Mia told Christiana that Eli and Dom were finally meeting and she wanted a second middleman just in case things got rowdy between the two

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  𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑵𝑬𝑿𝑻 𝑫𝑨𝒀 should've been chaotic but oddly enough it wasn't Mia told Christiana that Eli and Dom were finally meeting and she wanted a second middleman just in case things got rowdy between the two

  The four were in the Torreto's garage Dom and Eli having a face-off while Mia and Christiana were a safe distance away "This shouldn't go bad...right" Christiana asked turning to Mia "I hope not" Mia groaned

  "Umm Dom" Mia walked over to her brother "This is my fiancé, Eli, Eli this is Dom"

  "This pip-squeak is your fiance?"Dom asked making Christiana throw her head up with a sigh why are guys like this? She thought

  Eli wasn't intimidated though he actually looked around after the sentence "Where's the pip-squeak?" Eli inquired eyebrows knitting in confusion

  "What makes you think you deserve my sister?"

  "Well, first off I'm a major step up from the last guy..."Eli scratched the back of his neck "Listen man I don't think I deserved her...I know she can do better but I'm doing something right cause she chose me"

"That's the right answer," Dom told Eli with a slight smirk before sticking his hand out for a handshake which Eli gladly accepted

"Hey man I'm glad we're on good terms but I have a question"

"What's that?"

"Why can't you be a hidden fugitive?" Eli asked causing Christiana and Mia both to Groan "Eli!" Christiana yelled annoyed "What it's a valid question!" The Herrera man argued

  "I got unfinished business...and I don't hide"

  "Alright man it's your call" Eli proclaimed throwing his hands up in surrender "Just don't get Mia wrapped into this shit" Eli demanded

  "I'd never"

Eli and Dom hit it off better than either one of the girls would have expected the four plus Jesse all stayed together talking and having a good time

"You know Brian's here right," Dom told Christiana who was in the middle of chewing her food "I know he got me flowers yesterday" Christiana revealed covering her mouth with her hand

"Wait back up he got you flowers?" Mia asked staring across the table "Yeah" The Jordan girl replied, "Chrissy it's seven thirty and you just now tell us?" Eli asked squinting his eyes

"You know who Brian is?" Dom asked redirecting his attention to the other man

"Well I know of him and what the jackass did...never met him though" Eli clarified

"Uncle Eli that's a bad word"

"Sorry JJ I'll do better"

  "So what's this about him getting you flowers?" Mia asked refocusing on the conversation "Yeah he sent me flowers because I deserved them" Christiana revealed

  "It was cute"

  "You're not mad at him?" Dom asked confused if anyone had a reason to be mad at Brian still it'd be Christiana

  "I'm not as mad as I used to I mean he lied about something major while trying to be with me" Christiana scrunched her face at the memory "I wouldn't say I'm over that...but it doesn't bother me as much anymore"

"Plus I can never really be 'over it' since I have proof that I've been touched by him" Christiana finished referring to her son making the table laugh

"I'm serious I gave birth to a child that only shares two features of mine...everything down to the skin tone is Brian's doing" Christiana groaned

"I'm glad you're okay with it CJ but still it's kinda crazy to get you flowers after all this time like you don't get to do that" Mia reasoned

"I guess he's trying to make up for what he did" Christiana replied plainly "Is it working?" Dom asked

"I don't know"

  "I don't know"

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Notes!Filler chapter 😋 the next chapter is one too also this should've been out yesterday but I had a wicked headache also I really love it when y'all comment on the book it's literally hilarious

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Filler chapter 😋 the next chapter is one too also this should've been out yesterday but I had a wicked headache also I really love it when y'all comment on the book it's literally hilarious

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