The Temple Part 4: Chaos and Order in One, Balance

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Back with Revanos, he continues his duel against his ancestor Kisara. He still stares in awe and fear at the giant white dragon looking down at him as the beast roars knocking his rage aura off him. Once Revanos is finished being awestruck at the monster, he turns his attention back to Kisara who speaks to him.

Kisara: Well isn't this a sight, the Barian Guardian is afraid of my Dragon but I assure you that this is the least of your worries Revanos. I activate my face-down card mystical space typhoon to destroy one of your face-down cards and I choose the one on your right.

[Revanos pov]

The spell card activated and released a windy typhoon at my face-down Skill Successor. I let out a sigh of relief because if she picked the left one I wouldn't have a way to bring back Cipher Dragon on my next turn. But do I really want to continue, her Dragon has killed God's before and when it looks at me it just sees another meal. Am I worthy to claim such a powerful dragon. No I have come this far now, I refuse to return empty handed. I will conquer this battle and claim you Number 666.

Kisara: I apologize Revanos but this is the end for you Blue-Eyes Devastation attack Cipher Blade Dragon with Black Hole Blast.

Her dragon hits Cipher Dragon and my LP drops to 700.

Kisara: Oh did I forget to mention that Devastation can make a second attack for every overlay unit it has so goodbye and farewell warrior.

Revanos: NO IT WON'T END LIKE THIS I ACTIVATE MY TRAP XYZ REBORN. I target a Xyz Monster in my graveyard and attach this card as material to it so welcome back Cipher Blade Dragon.

My dragon descends to the field and roars at Blue-Eyes Devastation. She certainly is ready for a rematch but unfortunately I have to deny her request for now.

Kisara: Well you just love sending your out to get slaughtered like sheep but who am I to judge. Blue-Eyes Devastation attack again with Black Hole Blast.

The Dragon shoots another black hole blast at Cipher Dragon and she turns to look at me. I telepathically tell her I'm sorry and she nods her head. When the blast hits, Cipher Dragon explode into particles and goes back into my graveyard. I collapse to my knees and revert to my human form as my LP hits 400.

Kisara: Before I end my turn, I will activate my two face-down cards. Instant overlay to give my Dragon an extra overlay unit and United We Stand to give my dragon an extra 800 attack and defense points.(Blue-Eyes Devastation att. 3500+800=4300, def. 3000+800=3800). I end my turn. It's your move Revanos, you better make it a good one because once my turn comes you will lose.

As I stand battered after her two strong attacks, my vision begins to blur. I keep on looking at Kisara but I also see a priest in Egyptian clothes, a similar looking person to the priest in modern clothing, and a little boy in his teenage years wearing a corporate suit beside her in spirit form. They're looking back at me and the two adult ones look at me with pity and scowls while the teenage one looks at me with sympathy. I don't want to be looked at like this. Make it stop. Make it stop. MAKE IT STOP!

Revanos: MAKE IT STOP!!!!

Kisara: Make what stop? Looks around at the spirits beside her Ah I see you have meet my lover priest Seto and our descendants Seto and Mokuba Kaiba. I find it funny, originally in the beginning of this duel you wanted nothing to do with your past but it seems your past wants you to remember everything you've lost and suffer for it. But there is a way to stop your toment.

Revanos: Then tell me. Tell me how?

Kisara: You must embrace what happened to your mother and village and find a way to forgive yourself for something that was out of your control. You needlessly blame a world full of innocents for something that was not their fault.

Yugioh Zexal: Revanos The Barian Guardian Where stories live. Discover now