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"It can't be as bad as you're imagining, your highness." Amethyst tried as he made his way through the halls by the prince's side.

"You just say that because you seem to dream of nothing but me getting married these days."

"You dreamed of getting married once-"

Fredrick cut in, "Before I knew all the details of what would be expected."

"Yes, but you shouldn't let others' expectations ruin or run your life, you will be the next king! Each couple must find what ways they interact for themselves, if, well, something-"

Fredrick barely stopped himself from making a face at the new way his chief advisor had elected to insinuate the sexual aspect of relationships this time, "I will take relationship advice from you the day you actually manage a full conversation with the lady assistant in the library you're so fond of." He replied flatly.

"And will you only take my other advice seriously when I have my own kingdom? Please be reasonable your highness," Amethyst sighed, "Dame Stalwart did not take issue with the plan, and there are few nobles with better expertise in these matters than her."

"What a way with words you have." Fredrick fought again to keep his annoyance out of his mouth, "You know as well as I do, Bethany has little interest in romantic entanglements."

"Sure, but she's very social, and well liked by the court, most of the nobles, and even the commoners. Besides in matters of love-"

"The side I've no interest in."

"And yet she's married,"

"Loveless marriages are far from unusual amongst nobles don't try to spin that into something new."

"Distant ones, cordial ones, rarely are there ones where both at worst tolerate the other's lovers and yet still are quite close in a married way."

"Again, what a way with words."

"All I ask is that you try to keep an open mind your highness."

"Shouldn't you worry more about your own bachelor life before mine."

"Nothing changes should my line die out, your highness, what little I have achieved in this life of mine is nothing compared to the honor and prestige you've held since birth."

"Honor and privilege that forms but a corral which you and my own family seem determined to drive me into like stray cattle."

"My Prince," Amethyst sighed and stopped walking, Frederick reluctantly stopped and faced him as well, "it was the greatest honor of my life to be chosen as your first advisor and I have made it my mission to fulfill that role well, as an advisor, a servant, and a friend."

Amethyst continued, "To me you are the Great and Just Prince Fredrick the second, our next king, a wise and brillant ruler, and at the same time the young, uncertain, man who came to me trying to maintain authority and power over the nobles and the merchants who clawed to expand their control when his father was no longer in a state where they could be kept at bay. Believe me when I say; the safety of this kingdom and your own happiness are equally so my utmost priorities and I will give as many of my years as it takes to assist you to build that.  Furthermore, believe me when I say; there is nothing wrong with you, you are as deserving of love as any other, if not more so for the great pains you unceasingly take to ensure the safety and happiness of all the kingdom's citizens. You might have been born into your role, but few if any would have applied themselves with such unwavering diligence and dedication." 

      "I wish for your happiness and glory." Amethyst took a breath, kneeling before them and pressing his forehead to their hand like he had after first swearing loyalty to the crown Prince, "so for the sake of the kingdom, and for your own sake, if you have ever put any trust in me at all think carefully when you answer; are you satisfied with this? Closing your heart off after one failed romance is not the way to let things end. If you are content with being alone, if you are happy with remaining single, then I will use whatever means I must to secure your honor, power, and glory for centuries to come without you ever marrying or taking in consorts."

"My mother-" Prince Frederick started then stopped again, looking, for the first time in a long time very unsure of how to proceed.

     He knew very well his first advisor did not say things like this lightly.  Quite frankly, even just insinuating that the Queen despite all her power might be able to stop Amethyst felt like a grave insult in that moment.

"Have I ever failed you before, my prince? I will manage it however things end up if that is what's stopping you from making this decision solely for you."

"You say that as if you are not partially responsible for these meetings ever occurring."

"Only because I believed that you still wanted to give love a chance, your highness."

"...Very well." The Prince sighed, unwilling, or rather unable, to fully address his advisor's question, "I'll give it a chance, but that doesn't mean I think your plan is going to work. At the very least it buys us time."

           "Thank you, your highness."  Amethyst smiled rising to his feet after Fredrick pulled his hand away  and gestured for him to get up.  He bowed low all the same before hurrying to walk a half step behind the Prince again.

          "But in return I'm sending you to the library to find non-existent books again until I finish with these tea parties."

          "You can't be serious your highness, the last time you did that, it turned out to be an actual book."

           "Did it really?" Fredrick snickered, "With a title like that? Why am I just now hearing of this anyway?"

           "You told me to go and say I was looking for it and not come back until you came looking for me, you never said to fetch it for you."

              Fredrick grinned wryly as they stopped at the greenhouse door, "I guess I need to change how I request you search for nonexistent books then."

"Or you can simply not request at all." Amethyst replied as the guards stationed at the doors opened them and announced the crown prince's arrival, and then sighed when the crown Prince handed over a slip of paper.

"Sure, sure, while I'm having tea though why don't you formally request these books in the meanwhile and do whatever work you need done in the library while you wait."

"Of course your highness." Amethyst deadpanned, resolving not to even look at the list as he turned back to the garden to head towards the library, frowning at the obvious foot prints left in the soil by a rose bush. There was no one else who would dare to so casually mar the royal gardens except one- he just hoped Prince Fredrick had not also decided to arrange for Bethany to crash the tea party beforehand.

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