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What is love?


Satang came 10min after we end the call. I was crying but no one can see it because of rain. Satang still see it because he know me too well.

The moment i see my reflection in car window i collapsed.


I woke up feeling a little dizzy. My phone never stop to buzz. Gemini chat me,call me. But i think im still not ready to face him right now in my state.

Satang knock on the door. "may i come in?" he dont wait for me to answe he let his self in.

"So what happen,are you fine?"......
"Gemini know now." satang was shocked. "How it go?"

"I'm so dumb man, i let my emotion ruin me again." I feel the tears building up in corner in my eyes.

I'm so scared to face Gemini feelings because of me thinking maybe he just feel fity about me like everbody else everytime.

I dont want tobe in position again where everyone thinks of me as nothing just like a rug no sense no use.

"No no Fourth maybe you just need time for it to sink in". Satang said caressing my back.

"I just wish this was all just a nightmare and i never drink that night then maybe we will never be in this situation...im so dumb....im so dumb....

Only short chapter for now, also sorry for months of delayed.

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