Chapter 84- A Safe Place

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He smiled softly when he heard her laughter, and he got a look in his eye that Ciara didn't recognize. But she didn't think too long about it. Instead, she just settled onto the couch, one hand on the swell of her stomach, the other hovering over her keyboard, ready to start the movie whenever Reid was ready. He sat down next to her, though he almost immediately started to shift in his seat, almost as if he was trying to decide whether to move closer to her or further away. She left that choice up to him.

Prince of Egypt, of course, started out quick and strong, and that was one of her favorite parts of it. As the opening song started to play, she saw Reid's brows quirk up slightly with surprise, though what he was surprised about, she wasn't sure. But then that look of surprise turned to one of amusement when he saw her mouthing every word to "Deliver Us" under her breath. She couldn't exactly help it. She loved the song. But his amusement slipped back into surprise when she very easily mouthed Yocheved's two Hebrew lines.

"I didn't know you knew Hebrew," Reid commented, and Ciara shrugged slightly.

"I don't know Hebrew. Shocking, I know, a language I don't know. But I've just watched this movie enough times that I know the Hebrew lyrics just as well as the English ones. Whether or not I know the translation is a completely different story," Ciara mentioned, before turning her attention back to the movie.

It was an interesting time, watching a movie with Reid. One second, his attention would be totally captured by what was happening on screen, and the next he'd be rambling about something that caught his eye or some historical inaccuracy. He probably talked for five minutes about how, in the Bible, Moses hadn't actually been the one to talk to the Pharoah. His brother Aaron had done it because Moses was "slow of tongue", meaning he had some kind of speech impediment. Ciara didn't mind the rambles- she liked listening to him trying to share his knowledge. It was like getting a small peek into the inner workings of his mind. The only time she stopped his rambling was if there was a part of the movie she wanted to make sure he caught.

With each scene, Ciara was reminded of why this was one of her favorite movies. There was a reason it had been the highest-grossing non-Disney animated film when it was released. The animation and the music were both amazing, and it did so much justice to a story that was a cornerstone of many faiths. Despite his rambles about small historical inaccuracies, Ciara could tell that Reid was getting into the movie. And as "When You Believe" started, Ciara leaned forward in her seat, excited to see his reaction to how the movie showed the parting of the Red Sea. It was one of her favorite movie moments.

But, of course, she was quickly distracted by Baby B starting to kick excitedly when the music started to swell.

"Woah there, little one. I know ye're excited, but there's no need to be kicking me like that," Ciara commented with a small laugh. She ran her hand over her stomach, and Baby B just started to kick harder. Whether that was from Ciara's motion or just the fact that her child could somehow tell she was talking to them, she wasn't sure.

"Does that freak you out? When you feel them kicking? JJ said it didn't freak her out, but I just can't wrap my head around how it wouldn't," Reid wondered, and Ciara thought for a moment. She'd never really thought about whether or not it freaked her out.

"It did at first. It was so surreal, feeling this tiny human moving around inside of me. But eventually, I just... got used to it, I guess. It just feels natural to me, feeling them move and kick. It's like a reminder that they're still there, that they're real," Ciara explained, and Reid nodded, but he still was looking at her baby bump with an unnerved expression. Ciara had something else she wanted to say, but before she could, the scene she was looking for came on. She turned Reid's attention back to the screen just in time for him to see the Red Sea being parted. Once the scene moved on, she turned her attention back to Reid. "Would ye like to feel them kicking? They're having a little party right now."

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