Chapter 23- Give Up, Give In

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Isabel stared at the ground as she walked, not exactly sure where she was going. All she knew was that she needed to think. Maybe giving herself the time and space to think would help her work through her complicated emotions and help quell the shame itching under her skin. Though, was it shame? She wasn't exactly sure what she was feeling- that was why she needed to walk and think about things.

She had done the one thing she promised herself she would never do. Lately, she had been feeling an inexplicable tug towards the devil, something deep inside of her pulling her towards him. At first, she ignored it. But it had just grown stronger until she decided to give in to the call.

She had done the one thing she promised herself she would never do. She had willingly had sex with the devil.

And now she wasn't sure what to think of herself. True, it had felt good in the moment, but once the sweat had dried, she was left feeling like shit. She felt ashamed and disgusted with herself. How could she have broken the one promise she made to herself? And where did that leave her now? Would next time feel the same way? Would she feel that high only to come crashing down when the deed was done?

Her vision blurred with tears and she wiped them away angrily. How could she fall so far? She shook her head and laughed at herself miserably. She knew how it happened. She had lost everything. When she was first dragged down to hell, she'd been hopeful. Hopeful that she could fight her way out. Hopeful that her friends would find her and save her. But over time, she'd lost hope.

Once she had lost her hope, she found herself losing her memory of life before hell. And when she lost her memory, she'd forgotten what she'd been fighting for. And now, her friends were but a distant memory; she could barely even remember what their names were. At times, she even forgot that they had ever existed at all.

"Isabel..." Isabel's popped up at the unnatural voice. It was ambiguous; neither male nor female, neither young nor old. She wasn't even sure it was human. She looked around for the source of the voice but didn't see anything on the horizon. It was as if it never existed, but suddenly, she heard the voice again, calling her name. She deciphered that it was coming from the lake, so she went towards it, wondering what the lake had for her this time.

As she approached the obsidian sand, she noticed that the water wasn't changing for her. Usually it would change upon her approach, but maybe her confusion was leading to this sudden lack of power. She kneeled down, far enough away that the water wouldn't reach her, but still close enough that she could feel its heat.

"You've suffered so much, Isabel. You've fallen so far."

"I know," Isabel admitted, looking into the water. It seemed as if the voice was coming from the water. Perhaps it was the lake itself talking to her, though she wasn't exactly sure if that could be. It had never talked to her. It had simply shown her things. And if it was talking to her, what did that mean?

"You're confused. Just enter the water and all will become clear," the voice said, and Isabel lifted an eyebrow.

"Enter the water? The boiling water?"

"No harm will come to you. Trust that."

"Why are you trying to help me?" Isabel asked, and the water receded slightly, before rushing back up the shore, reaching an inch away from her. As if it was trying to beckon her closer.

"Because you are the one person who doesn't belong here. The one person that needs to get out."

"I don't know about that. I've done some horrible things."

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