Chapter 37- Meeting The Family

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Isabel was bored. That was all there was to be said. She had a feeling that the devil wanted to bore her into submission because he'd barely been spending time with her lately. Or perhaps he was still out searching for the little demon. She wasn't about to tell him that the lake had taken it. The more time he spent searching, the less time he spent with her, so when it came to that subject, she would just keep her mouth shut.

As she sat on her throne, she brought down a cloud to conjure up a vision of her friends. She'd been seeing plenty of the friend she missed the most, so she decided to switch it up. She'd look in on a different friend, and see what she was up to. As the cloud settled and cleared, her friend appeared in the cloud, next to another friend. She'd wondered how those two had been doing. But on the other end of the cloud were three blurry figures. Isabel wondered who the three figures were- she'd most likely never met them.

But still, her friends looked happy, and that was all Isabel could ask for.


Akilah walked into the gym, duffel bag in hand. She was already in her workout clothes, so all she needed to do was try and find the person she was meeting up with. She took a quick look around, and when she didn't see the person she was searching for, she shrugged. Maybe she was just the first to arrive. Wouldn't be the first time. But as she walked to the boxing ring, she saw a familiar head of blonde hair beating up the heavy bag. She'd just been hidden in the corner. As Akilah walked up to the heavy bag, the other woman took no notice of her. Akilah smiled to herself, watching for a minute.

"Your punches need to be lighter," she said, and the taller woman yelped as she jumped. She looked over at Akilah and smiled, putting her hand on her chest as she got control of her breathing.

"Hey, Red Fury."

"Howdy there, Young Blood," Akilah said as she unzipped her bag and pulled out her gloves. Seaver laughed softly, as she strapped the gloves on tightly.

"You really need to stop trying to imitate a Southern accent. It doesn't work," she told her, and Akilah shrugged.

"Yeah, it's the greatest disappointment of my life. I mean, come on, I lived in Florida for nearly a decade. You would think that I'd be able to mimic the accent, but no," Akilah joked, and Seaver laughed harder.

"So, is it true that Florida is as crazy as it sounds?"

"Oh, absolutely. I lived near the Everglades, and you'd just see alligators wandering down the back roads. I was scared shitless when I first moved there, but you get used to it eventually. And the crazy headlines you see on social media? Those are just the highlight reel," Akilah told her as she put on her helmet and shin guards.

"Wow. Sounds like a fun place to live," Seaver responded.

"I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not, but yeah, it was wild. Florida really is America's Australia. Once you get over the animals trying to kill you and the crackheads at three in the morning, it can be entertaining," Akilah said, hopping to her feet. "But anyway. Back to what I was trying to tell you. You're putting all your power in one punch, which is okay, but you'll run out of energy trying to do that."

"Not if you just knock them out in three punches," Seaver responded with a laugh, and Akilah gave her a smile.

"Yeah, okay, but if you can't? Then you're out of energy and they're just warming up. If you keep your punches light, but sharp, you can knock them off balance," Akilah instructed, punching the heavy bag three times in quick succession. She demonstrated a block, before punching the bag three more times. "See? I still have lots of energy, and the bag is already swinging pretty well. Imagine an actual opponent. Then, when you have them reeling back, you give one good punch, and it's lights out." Akilah threw a powerful right hook, and the bag swung violently.

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