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That day Wang yibo didn't leave for work but was spending some quality time with his ger, but the peaceful moment was destroyed when some uninvited guests decided to show up.

Yibo had xiao zhan stay where he was and not go anywhere and he had the bodyguards stay vigilant and not let any stranger approach his ger, making sure everything was in order he left with peace of mind.

Wen Rui really has some gut's bringing people to his house and demanding to see him, going to the gate he saw the old man Wen Rui whom he really want to kill and the useless boy Yu Dong who dared to covet his ger, he still hasn't settled a score with this boy and he will surely deal with this boy!.

He knows he was once no different from this Yu Dong the only thing he knew was fool around and not care about anything else and when he came to realize what he was doing wasn't right it was already too late.

Yu Dong who was timidly hiding behind the bodyguards and not wanting to be seen by the scary Wang yibo trembled in fear when he felt like someone was obviously looking at him maliciously and wanting to kill him, he looked around but didn't see anyone suspicious, a vicious ghost can't be haunting him right?.

Ye Bing who saw wang yibo wanted to get close but was stopped by Wen Rui who looked at the girl who will obviously disrupt his plans because of being obsessed and blinded by love.

"Don't try to do anything stupid, I won't let you go if you dare act rashly." Wen Rui warned.

Ye Bing was dissatisfied but still stopped herself, she is finally here and she ready to do anything to see that bitch, not only did she destroy her life, now she is nothing but a barren woman who will never have kids in her life.

She is going to make sure that bitch will either lose his life and that of the unborn bastard child that wasn't even supposed to come into this world!. 'Xiao zhan you bitch just wait for me.!'

"Mr Wen you and your nephew can come with me as for the others they're not allowed to take another step." Yibo who was quite all this time finally talked.

Yu Dong who heard what yibo said looked around wondering if there is any other nephew apart from him, Mr Yibo can't have anything to do with him, they have never met before and he hasn't done anything to anger this devil right?.

Yibo lip's twitched when he saw what Yu Dong was doing, how can this matured man behave like an idiot? Did he see any other Yu Dong in the group?.

"Idiot come with me and stop embarrassing me!" Wen Rui said angrily and dragged his timid nephew.

"What about me? You can't just leave me here right?" Ye Bing who wasn't mentioned asked anxious, if she can't go inside but stand where she was now then she is very sure not to implement her plans of killing xiao zhan.

Wang yibo:" What right do you have to come into my house? Stop being delusional."

"Wang yibo you can't treat me like this! We were happy together and you know very well I love you so much!" Ye Bing shouted but she was held down by the five men that came with Wen Rui.

Yibo walked away not looking back, the words that Ye Bing said seems not to affect him at all.

Xiao zhan appeared on the opposite side so he didn't see his husband and the two men who followed his husband but he clearly heard what Ye Bing said and was furious, looking at the bodyguards who were protecting he smiled but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Go tie up those five men and leave someone to watch them carefully, then bring that slut who is coveting my man." Zhan instructed and turned back returning where he was seated earlier.

The bodyguards were surprised, since they started protecting the boss wife, they have never heard the madam cursing or being so angry, they didn't expect their madam to be so scary and tough! This is the first time that the madam gave them a task to do and they won't let him down.

Seconds later shouts were heard and the five men were tied up like sacks and left on the hot pavements.

"What are you guys trying to do! Let us go this minute!" The five men shouted but the next second painful wails were heard.

The five tied men were beaten black and blue and there faces were swollen and they couldn't recovery each other at all! There bodies hurt like they were ran over by a truck and even trying to move a little they will feel like their bodies are being torn apart.

"That's better it's quite and peaceful and no one can disturb the madam peaceful relaxation." One of the bodyguards said while looking at the gagged Ye Bing who was trembling like a leaf.

Ye Bing doesn't know what happened and she was suddenly held hostage and the men she should call bodyguards were now tied up and can't help themselves let alone help her! These people are really useless!.

She was dragged away and a minute later she was forced to kneel in front of the person who she hated to the core and is so ready to kill him! Her eyes were full of resentment.

Xiao zhan slowly took a sip of the Cold orange juice that was given by one of the bodyguards then his gaze shifted to the kneeling Ye Bing.

"How does it feel kneeling in front of me Ye Bing?" Zhan asked his words and expression was full of provocation, he still hasn't forgotten how he was forced to do all kinds of humiliating things by this Ye Bing, bullied and treated like a trash, he wasn't very sure at that time how long he will be able to hold on, even if his husband at that time just ignored everything but this woman didn't have any right to do all those things to him!.

Ye Bing shouted while struggling but no words came out of her mouth because she was still gagged.

"I remember there was a time you almost drowned me in the bathtub which was full of cold water, I ended up having a high fever but still you forced me to kneel outside in the cold winter, I almost died." Zhan said and kept quiet for a while, it's not because he was emotional or anything, those things that happened to him more than a year ago are long forgotten, but that doesn't mean he will just let it go he is going to get his revenge.

"I will make sure you suffer every small deed that happened to me at that time, I'm sure you will be very happy and appreciate my good deeds." Zhan added and looked at one of the bodyguards.

"Go get me a big basin full of water don't forget to add a reasonable amount of ice cubes, I want to play with my very good acquitance Ye Bing." Zhan instructed, his words made Ye Bing eyes go wide, she struggled even more fiercely but her struggled were nothing to the two men holding her down.

She was wearing a short dress and now being forced to kneel on a hot rough ground her knees were already injured and it worsens with every struggle she does.

Minutes later a big basin of cold water was brought over, zhan motioned the bodyguards holding down Ye Bing to remove the cloth covering Ye Bing mouth.

"Bitch what are you trying to do! You wouldn't dare to do it! You're just bluffing!" Ye Bing who was finally allowed to speak shouted still in disbelief, she still can't bring herself to believe the person in front of him was the timid and naive Xiao zhan!.

"Then watch me closely whether I am bluffing or not." Zhan who was smiling answered his voice unhurried and scooped a large amount of water from the big basin with a jug and walked towards Ye Bing who froze in place and didn't hesitate but pour the cold water on Ye Bing wetting Ye Bing hair and clothes.

"Submerge her head in the water, I want to see if she could be able to breath underwater like a fish." Zhan who was satisfied with his good work said and moved back.

Ye Bing who was trembling like a quell with her teeth chattering tried to speak but couldn't because of the cold but the fear in her face and eyes explained that the once dominant girl and brave girl has humbled herself."

Zhan used the same exact words that Ye Bing used more than a year ago.

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