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Xiao Zhang was happy and was glad to xiao zhan because his little dad smiled genuinely and this must be because of xiao zhan who might be his lost twin brother.

Wang yibo was well aware of his ger sudden mood changes, he knows he needs to be coaxed all the time, he knows it's his fault these past few weeks he has been busy with work and when he comes back it's already late and xiao zhan was asleep. By the time xiao zhan was awake he could be gone to work, and even when he was at home he spends most of the time in his study, he knows he has neglected his ger, but after tomorrow's party he would be free and it would be high time to take out his ger. Maybe the two could travel.

Speaking of traveling, the two haven't gone on their honeymoon after getting married, it is not a bad idea for the two to travel for a week or more and this way xiao zhan irritable behavior would get better.

Wang yibo:"Baby dinner is ready, let's go downstairs to eat, tomorrow would be a busy day so we have to wake up early."

Yibo already informed his uncle zhou to prepare something light for xiao zhan, his ger hasn't eaten much during the day and it won't be very nice to eat something heavy at night.

The two went downstairs and sat down, minutes later the food was served, uncle zhou prepared some fish soup and fried some vegetables.

Zhan's face turned into disgust and he covered his nose and pushed the bowl of soup away from him, his eyes red and teary like he was bullied.

"How can you do this to me! Cooking something that is already rotten and giving me to eat! If you no longer need me just tell me to leave rather than cooking something bad! You have changed and I know you must be up to something! You only pretend to be busy but secretly meeting and talking with your mistresses!" Zhan left and ran away from the dining room.

Wang yibo and uncle Zhou were surprised and didn't react for a few seconds, yibo who came back to his senses took the bowl that had the fish soup and smelled it and even tasted it together with the fish and didn't taste anything strange.

"Nothing is wrong with the soup and the fish, I don't know what's wrong with him, I will go talk to him, please prepare something else for him." Yibo who didn't dare to waste any more time or continue eating said and got up to leave.

He didn't expect xiao zhan to react so much, he was fine earlier and talked with Mr Gu happily and he was really in high spirits but now everything changed so suddenly that he didn't have time to react.

The soup and the fish that his ger complained to have rotten was perfectly fine, he can't tell what was wrong with his ger, maybe he was just throwing a tantrum to get his attention, he knows he neglected him but he explained it several times, but the end results of all it looks like his ger didn't trust his words at all.

Knocking at the closed door several times he didn't get a reply from inside or even hear any movement from inside.

Yibo:"Baby it's my fault, I neglected you and didn't put your feelings into consideration, I am sorry if you don't want to eat fish you can tell me what you want to eat and I will prepare it for you."

Yibo waited for a few minutes but didn't get a reply, he got more worried and wondered what to say next or do or maybe he should call Mr Gu again maybe he might be able to help him.

"Baby how about I call Uncle Gu and spend the night with you, please don't ignore me." Yibo added and this time he really heard movement from inside but the door wasn't opened.

He sighed and took out his phone and called Xiao Zhang and explained what happened earlier and if Mr Gu could come to the house again.

Xiao zhang looked at his little dad who heard what had happened and now smiling widely and excited knowing he could spend more time with xiao zhan.

He hurried his son to drive back and this time he packed everything that he got from the states just for xiao zhan and knowing that zhan zhan refused to eat he served the remaining dinner that he prepared for himself and his son.

Half an hour later they arrived at the Wang yibo apartment and went inside, Wang yibo who was pacing around worried smiled and rushed towards Mr Gu he was really embarrassed knowing he couldn't even take care of his ger and understand him better.

"Uncle you came, iam sorry for disturbing you at this hour, Iam not good enough." Yibo said while sighing.

"It's no problem zhan zhan is like my own child and he didn't want me to leave earlier, don't worry I will stay with him." Mr Gu answered and carried everything he came with and with yibo direction he arrived where xiao zhan was.

"Zhan zhan it's me uncle Gu I came to see you and brought everything that I bought when I was coming from country D, also what I prepared for dinner, your husband said you haven't eaten yet." Xiao Gu said, seconds later the closed door opened and xiao zhan who looked like he was bullied and would cry the next second.

"Uncle Gu..." Zhan said and sniffled, he hugged Mr Gu hoping to feel a little bit better, he knows he was not wrong, Wang yibo must have intentionally ordered uncle Zhou to serve rotten food for him, he smelled it and he almost vomited luckily the feeling of vomiting dissapeared after he left and calmed himself down.

"I'm here it's late and you haven't eaten yet, you first eat and talk with uncle while looking what I brought for you."

Xiao Gu held Zhan hand after putting down the things he got except the well insulated hotpot that he was still holding and the two went to the dining room which was empty.

Xiao Gu got plates and bowls from the kitchen and served what he prepared for xiao zhan, it was still warm and just right for xiao zhan to eat.

"Eat while it's warm, after I was pregnant my diet changed and until now I eat what I used to eat when I was pregnant just stopped eating things that were sour and very spicy, but everything else I still eat." Xiao Gu added while watching xiao zhan eat.

"Uncle I also want to have a baby but it's been more than half a year and nothing happened, I just feel like my husband has started to change and one day he will abandon me because I haven't given birth yet, and today he even gave me rotten fish with soup! He is clearly bullying me!" Zhan complained and choked with the food he was eating.

Yibo who was secretly listening didn't waste time but got a glass of water for xiao zhan before Mr Gu could react.

"Baby eat slowly and don't talk while eating, don't be angry it's not good for your health you know." Yibo said while helping zhan drink water.

Mr Gu looked at the interaction between xiao zhan and Wang yibo and he can tell wang yibo really cares about his ger and not everyone is so lucky to have such a person, it's normal for couples to have misunderstanding once in a while, the two are still young and it's understandable.

Yibo seeing xiao zhan eating even if he got ignored relaxed, it looks like tonight he will sleep alone without hugging his ger, but it's okay he will manage.

"Uncle it looks like tonight you will spend the night here, thank you for taking care of my ger, by the way tomorrow we are going to have an event at my company and your also invited together with your son."

"It's okay my son had already informed me about this, I would love to meet my long lost friends whom I havent seen for over a decade."

Second Day

Wang yibo who was sleeping was awakened by someone who was kissing his face, opening his eyes he saw the smiling xiao zhan, he didn't waste time but change their position having xiao zhan below him and he lowered his head to kiss his lips.

It looks like Mr Gu presence did help xiao zhan to calm down and he is no longer angry.

"I'm sorry last night it was my fault, I shouldn't have yelled at you and accused you of doing something bad, it's just recently I feel irritable and the smell of fish is disgusting, it must be because I ate a lot of fish recently." Zhan who was being hugged by his husband said, he talked with his uncle last night and he knew in a way he was also wrong.

"Not your fault at all and I don't blame you, lets prepare ourselves and have breakfast, the designers would be here soon." Yibo answered and the two showered together got dressed and went downstairs to join Mr Gu and his son who were already awake and waiting for them.

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