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It was early in the morning, around 7:30 Quackity would say. He was so tired, being the supervisor for his all coupled friends was truly... exhausting. He swears the only noise he remembers from last night was the sound of hungry and horny teens literally eating each others faces out.

He looked at his phone that surprisingly laid nicely beside him, then he remembered why he woke up. He wiped the slight sweat from his forehead. The slight panic on his face leaving as his friend, Karl, woke up.

He slowly moved out of his own boyfriend's arms to not wake him. He looked at his friend that was already awake. "Quacks, what's up?" He said tiredly, a yawn coming from him as he got up fully, walking over to Quackity who watched him the entire time.

"Just a nightmare I think..." He said unsure, leaning his head against Karl, who quickly wrapped his arms around him and held Quackity close. "Oh yeah? About what?" He asked softly. Quackity only shrugged.

"It was about Wilbur-" Karl scoffed, then giggled. "Sure it was a bad dream?" Quackity rolled his eyes and nodded. "I mean... It wasn't bad at first... but..." He paused for a moment. Thinking about how it happened.

"Well, it started by a typical imagination of mine... then he just started... insulting me and making me feel... almost regretful for liking him. Things along that..." Quackity whispered. Karl hummed and kissed Quackity's cheek.

"It'll be okay, have you talked to him about how Sally has been making you feel?" He asked, Quackity gave a small nod, happy for the somewhat subject change so he wouldn't have to think about how cruel his mind made Wilbur.

"It was only subtle though, I don't think he got it." Quackity said as he saw Karl fighting off the sleep he wanted again. "Well, talk to him, and don't be shy." Karl said as he let go of Quackity. Getting back to his sleeping boyfriend.

He quickly got back in the warm embrace of his lover, and Quackity felt... jealous...

He grabbed his phone, deciding to text Wilbur... did he care that it was early for a weekend? No. Absolutely not. Quackity knew Wilbur woke up early... from the one time he stayed over... and heard Wilbur awake at 5:30, seeming so filled with energy like he did it everyday.

So he clicked on Wilbur's contact and texted him.

Ducky :] - wil u up?

Wilby <3 - yea u know that

Quackity smiled, he didn't know why he felt so fluttery at any message, look, or anything from Wilbur. He sighed as his smile slowly faltered. He continued to text Wilbur about things he had planned for today once the lovebirds woke up.

Wilbur's girlfriend, Sally, was beautiful. A walking hot flame just for Wilbur. Her fiery hair and her petite figure. Her face was perfectly freckled and her hair was flowy and bouncy. Such a perfect lady for Wilbur... So Quackity did feel like he lacked in the beauty unlike Sally...

Sally knew about Quackity's crush on Wilbur, yet didn't mind it. She knew it was those two first, then the others then her. So she had no place to make a scene or feel majorly uncomfortable about it. Besides, to her it seemed like those feelings were lightening up. But only because Quackity got nervous to talk to Wilbur in front of everyone.

Some time later they all met up at Wilbur's house. Sally in Wilbur's arms, laughing and joking about many things. The guys all talked while Quackity just sat and admired his handsome friend. He felt like he was in heaven... his smile... his hair... his eyes, that stared right back at him.

With a flustered face Quackity looked down, coughing a bit to try and let the embarrassment lighten. He peaked up at Wilbur who casually glanced at him and smiled. Quackity felt everything freeze in him.

He'd kill to just have Wilbur once, to feel him every way possible, and goddammit he got excited every time, having to leave to the bathroom, he looked down at himself once he locked the door. Pouting slightly as he stared at his erected member.

He obviously wasn't going to touch himself, that would be weird...

He waited a bit as it had finally gone down. Looking at himself in the mirror, noticing how different him and Sally looked, but he smiled at it. Feeling his own face. His single beauty marks on his face, his raven black hair... midnight eyes that twinkled at the mention of Wilbur...

He went back to the group after with a big smile on his face, instantly earning a joke about it. "Ok Quackity, don't be so happy you jerked off." Sapnap said, a smirk on his face, Quackity froze and crossed his arms.

"Ha ha Sap, but I didn't do that." He said taking his seat on the couch again. Quickly noticing that Sally was no longer there in Wilbur's arms. "Where'd Sally go?" He asked, a small flicker of light in his eyes as they grazed on Wilbur for a moment.

"She went home, family issues that she needed to attend." Wilbur said, getting up and walking over to sit next to Quackity. Everyone looked for a moment before going back to their own conversations, talking about good places to eat and what not.

"Feathers, why haven't you been yourself?" Wilbur said, putting his hand against the couch, Quackity's eyes quickly looking at it, seeing the veins stick out. He bit the inside of his cheek as he tried to stop the thoughts that entered his mind so quickly.

"I have been myself." He whispered, which Wilbur knew the cause of his whispering. "No you haven't, now tell me." He said, and it was demanding yet soft and... Quackity loved that. "Just nervous..." He said, watching Wilbur's hand slowly come to his leg.

"Don't be shy, you know you're a freak." He said in a teasing and taunting way, which Quackity blushed faintly at. "Shut up..." Wilbur laughed and leaned back, putting his hands in his own lap.

"Wilbur, you aren't fair..." He pouted, crossing his arms and bringing them into his lap as well. Thinking about things... but all his thoughts involved taking Wilbur for himself... leaving Sally to be broken...

But he couldn't do that to Sally, Sally did nothing wrong to him...



Guys, once again I am the original author so this isn't like someone else trying to steal the story. I swear to y'all though that I will try my best to limit major off lifts from the original story in all of mine, but some will be changed to better make it understandable because I know I had major problems with that in the original stories. So I hope I get the same support on the newer versions of my stories and I hope to be able to talk to you all again soon. I love y'all have a good morning/evening/night!

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