two | a contrast in response

Start from the beginning

“Of course,” Jane replied, nodding to him softly,”Please call if you need assistance,” she told him and left quickly to feed herself

“So this is my life now?” Jasper questioned aloud, sighing in sadness,”Destined to be rejected by my mate, first glance,” he whispered, and quickly stood as the door opened to show Aro who wore a smile on his face 

“Young Jasper,” Aro greeted, walking into the room gracefully and taking a seat on the couch,”I once again must apologize for Stephanos’s behavior, it is very unusual for him to have such an outburst,” he spoke softly, offering the blond boy before him a sympathetic 

“I suppose he can’t reject everyone he comes across,” Jasper mumbled, chuckling a little trying to seem as though he wasn’t miserable with the fact that his mate didn’t seem to want to have anything to do with him

“Do not hold it to heart, Jasper. Stephanos has his reasons but we will not follow through,” Aro stated, making it clear to Jasper that he had no intent to listen to his son’s blatant rejection, ”Young one, mate rejection slowly kills you and I will not have it as it is against the very law that my other half wrote so many years ago. You deserve a fair chance to love and I will make sure you have it,” he told him

“Thank you, I-,” Jasper paused, feeling his heart get heavy,”I don’t want to force him to connect with me, it wouldn’t be right,” he said softly, sadness flowing through him in a wave 

“Well of course,” Aro agreed easily, a plan already perfectly sketched in his head as he stood to leave,”I’m not a monster,” he joked with a smirk and left the younger vampire alone with his thoughts once more


“How is he?” Caius questioned, as soon as Marcus walked into the king’s shared room

Sighing, Marcus shut the door and turned to his husbands who were sitting at and on a table,”Terribly angry,” he spoke exhaustedly, taking off his cloak

“Obviously,” Caius drawled, rolling his eyes and closing the book he was reading, getting up from sitting on the table and walking towards Marcus who was now laying on the couch cushions,”How is he?” he asked again, but it was clear he wanted more context

“Frightened, angry, lost,” Marcus listed, laying his head in the lap o Caius who ran his fingers through his hair,”He’s exceptionally angry at our other half,” he commented, looking over at Aro who was doing paperwork

“I’m quite aware, darling,” Aro responded, not looking up from his work,”This is what’s best regardless of how he feels,” he continued, and finally looked up making eye contact with Marcus,”You know I’m right,”

“Maybe you’re wrong,” Caius said suddenly, ready to defend his son’s decision as per usual, earning a raised brow from his husband,”Stephanos has good reason, with his ability it’s absolutely impossible for him to touch anyone. His situation is truly difficult,” he told them

“Yes, but rejection will kill him,” Aro argued, putting down his pen and giving his full attention to the conversation,”My love, he will slowly kill himself the more he refuses-” he started

“And forcing him to connect with Jasper is the way to go?” Caius questioned, his tone harsh as anger began to consume him, Marcus sitting up and holding his hand in comfort

“Hear him out, Dear” Marcus stated calmly, both of his husbands relaxing slightly at the sound

“Go on,” Caius grumbled, rolling his eyes and leaning his head on Marcus’s shoulder

“We do not have to listen to our son refuse his mate. That would be us breaking our own law and sitting back as our son kills both himself and his mate because he is afraid,” Aro spoke softly, regret feeling him as he watched his own mate sit in anger but he was true to his point and had no regrets for his decision,”I will do everything in my power to make sure they connect and my son can finally be happy with a love of his own. He deserves this chance. We all know that he is forever swallowing his loneliness, now he won’t have too,” he finished, and his argument was heard and reasonable 

“But he won’t let you interfere-” Caius began to argue

“Let’s let Marcus decide,” Aro cut him off and looked to their husband who sighed,”Marcus, my dear. What do you suppose we do?” he asked, smirking as he knew that Marcus was already on his side from when he touched him in the throne room

“Caius,” Marcus sighed, earning a look of disbelief from Aro and a smirk from Caius,”You won’t like my answer,” he quickly added

Aro squealed as the smirk dropped from Caius,”Yes I win!” he cheered, clapping his hands together 

“Not exactly, darling,” Marcus mumbled, causing Caius to chuckle

“Wha-” Aro gaped,”But you just said-”

“I am leaning towards your decision but I do not believe we should interfere directly,” Marcus told them both calmly, tilting his head he sighed,”I figure that we should push them together slowly, give Jasper hints on how to get close to Stephan but never full details. We push Stephanos slowly, bit by bit but so small that he doesn’t detect it. It’s the only way to ensure that they connect but are never forced,” he explained, giving his partners a smile,”So technically you both win,” he teased, chuckling at the way Aro rolled his eyes in disappointment

“My way was so much more fun,” Aro groaned, as Caius laughed at his antic standing and walking towards him

“But I think we both know this is what’s best, dearest,” Caius told him softly, caressing his lovers cheek causing Aro to lean into his touch

“I suppose you’re right,” Aro whispered, his blonde husband kissing his forehead softly

“I do believe we should start now,” Marcus said, standing and walking over to his husbands,”Stephanos is usually in his gardens at this time,”

“Jasper seems to be one to take a likeness to nature,” Aro said suggestively, tilting his head at Marcus as he caught on to what his husband was trying to say

“Oh, Stephanos is going to hate you,” Caius chuckled, shaking his head at the two 

A/N: Hope you enjoyed

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