abby to socky a toy for an 8 year old girl

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Socky is still completely lifeless. (Lily) OH my yes socky my dear socky my perfect sock puppet. Lily then picks up socky and slams her on her bed and then jumps on socky repeatedly she jumps on socky and then she picks up socky and puts her on the ground and Lily makes a massive pile of socks and goes inside it with socky and she says to socky (Lily) I'm not stupid I know you used to be a 14-year-old girl named Abby and my dream is it to become a sock puppet like you so your going to help me. Lily then wraps socky around her and then Lily starts to become a sock puppet herself something Abby never wanted to happen to her now it's happening to someone else

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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