Chapter 1: Haymitch Abernathy

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"Greyson!!" My mom's voice echos throughout the house, calling for my dad. Today my dad is off from work today, which is a rare occasion. Much like every other breathing man in District 12 he is a coal miner, But unlike most he's quite fond of his job actually. So much to the point where he had tried to name me "Coalson" as a homage to coal mining. The name they ended up choosing ain't too much better though. "GREYSON, ABERNATHY!" My mother calls out in her stern voice, "STOP USING MY COOKING ALCOHOL FOR DRINKING!!" "AGORA. When are you going to get in that small head of yours that your cooking is horrific either fucking way!??" My father says, yelling at her. When I grow up, I wont touch an ounce of alcohol. I dont want to end up a raging alcoholic like my father. I ain't my fathers biggest fan but we still got the same blood and can't do much about I guess. As I step out of my sleeping bag, set up next to my little brother's a sense of uneasiness whips across me. It's reaping day. I aint scared for myself, I aint scared for my little brother, I'm worried sick for my girl, Sara. Before I could finish thinking about everything that could go wrong today, my mother bursts into my room. "Haymitch, Kamryn It's time to get up!!" My little brother, Kamryn practically leaps out of his sleeping bag "It's my first reaping!!" he says, Me and my mother both share a glance, our glances whisper "Oh, he doesn't know what a reaping is about yet." I guess I was like that too at Kamryn's age, I didn't know much about reaping's but I knew only big kids could go to them. Me and my mother tried to shield Kamryn from the Hunger Games as much as one could. We still have some time until we have to gather at the square for the reaping. I walk out of my and Kamryns room and call out to my mother "Mom, I'm going to go hang out with Vince, Can I meet y'all at the square for the reaping??" I lied, I'm not going to go hang out with Vincent, I'm going to see Sara. 
As I walk throughout District 12, thoughts of Vincent crawl into my head. Maybe it'd be a good thing to get whisked away to the Capital so I dont have to deal with him anymore. He's like an annoying little bug constantly buzzing in someones ear.

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