Today was a slow day so Wooyoung doubted that he would be having any customers right now, especially since it's dark. Plus he would be closing in about 2 hours anyways. It wouldn't hurt to close up a little early. Wooyoung did the finishing touches on his homework and then put it back in his bag along with his pencil.

He put his backpack on his back and clocked out. He turned off all the lights, the only light source being the moon. He walked out and locked the door. He plugged in his earphones, put on some music and walked home really quick just to drop off his stuff and bring some make up and a change of clothes.

When he left he took the bus to Yeosang's dorm. It was a fairly quiet ride. It was dark so there were barely any children. Wooyoung just played a game on his phone until he got to his stop. He got off and walked down the block and into the building. He thought that the door would be open but it was locked this time.

He knocked on the door. "Who is it?!" Yeosang yelled. "Pucca!" "This isn't Garu's house, go away!" "Just let me in!" Yeosang opened the door with a smile on his face from laughing. Wooyoung walked inside to see Jongho on the couch eating pizza.

He looked at how many slices were left in the pizza box on the coffee table in the living room and only saw one slice. "You guys couldn't have left me two more slices?" "Chill out. If you knew how to look then you'd see the other box in the kitchen. Wooyoung looked to his left and saw it. "Oh." "We have about an hour left so hurry because I know you're not going in that."

Yeosang pointed at Wooyoung who was in a black windbreaker and sweats. "I'm gonna start doing my makeup." Yeosang walked into his room. Wooyoung didn't miss the smile that was on Jongho's lips as he watched Yeosang.

Wooyoung could tell that they had feelings for each other and he was honestly tired of them being too scared to say something. Wooyoung took the box of pizza and sat next to Jongho on the couch. He put the box on the table and took a slice.

"You like Sangie don't you?" Wooyoung was straightforward. Jongho's eyes widened a bit and he stayed silent, not looking at Wooyoung. "I'll take that as a yes." More silence. "How'd you know?" Jongho's voice became small.

"It's obvious. The way that you look at him, the way you're all touchy with him, literally every time you're around him, I can tell." Jongho was shocked. He was oblivious to how obvious he made it seem. All this time he thought he was doing a great job at hiding his feelings.

"Are you gonna tell him?" Jongho chuckled dryly. "No." "Why not? I'm sure he feels the same way." "Don't give me false hope Wooyoung. I don't stand a chance, we both know that. Plus Yeosang is straight." Wooyoung couldn't help the laugh that escaped him.

"What?" Wooyoung only laughed harder. "I'm sorry." He spoke in between laughs. He laughed until he couldn't breathe. He didn't even know why he found it so funny. Wooyoung finally calmed down, wiping at his tears. "Do me a favor and go ask him if he's straight."

As if on cue, Yeosang yelled from his room. "Jongho, come help me pick out my clothes!" Jongho looked at Wooyoung one last time. As if he was asking if he really should do it. "Go ahead." Wooyoung egged him on. Jongho got up from his seat and walked to Yeosang's room. This'll be fun Wooyoung thought.

Jongho closed the room door and walked in slowly. He stood a few feet from the door. "What are you waiting for? Go ahead and pick something." "Oh... right." Jongho laughed awkwardly and walked up to Yeosang's closet.

He looked through his shirts and ended up picking a Kiss shirt with all the members on it. He laid it out on his bed and then picked out some ripped jeans and a red plaid long sleeve shirt and put that on his bed as well. "Wear this." Yeosang looked back. "Thanks."

✰𝖧𝖾𝗒 𝖤𝗆𝗈 𝖡𝗈𝗒✰ | WoosanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang