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Ever since that night on the bus, Wooyoung kept popping up in San's head. It honestly frustrated him that that was all he could think about. So he found himself drunk at a house party with Mingi one weekend.

Mingi was already making out with a girl in a corner of the living room so San was left alone to find his sex partner of the night. He knew that he would either have to go into the big crowd of dancing people or just talk to someone that was in another room.

He didn't feel like getting hot so he just walked around the house until he found someone to talk to. When he got into the dining area he found his target. He walked up to a girl with dark hair, a pink streak at the front. He smirked and quickly thought of something to say.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing here, all lonely?" That was probably the most corniest thing that had came out of San's mouth in his entire life. The girl smiled. "Nothing." She shrugged. "Mind if I hang with you?" San inched a little closer to her.

"Sure." Her gaze dropped to San's lips and she moved closer, putting her drink to the side. She got close enough to wrap her arms around San's neck. He responded by putting his hands on her waist. She closed the distance between them.

San pulled her in impossibly closer. He licked a fat stripe across the girl's lips and she let him explore her mouth. Both of them tasting nothing but a mix of alcohol and juices. San could've taken her upstairs into a room to further escalate the situation but someone interrupted them.

"Yeji?!" She broke the kiss and looked towards the person that said that. The guy walked up to them. "I leave you for one second and this is what you do? And what the fuck are you doing?" He pushed San. "Chill out bro, she's the one that kissed me." San pushed him back a bit too hard.

The guy might've been a bit taller than San but he wasn't bulkier. When the guy stabilized himself he landed a punch right on San's jaw and that's when all hell broke loose. After San punched back it was just a fight full of thrown fists.

More people started coming towards them to watch and they kept chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" It was honestly so cliche. San was winning until the guy caught him off guard and punched him in the eye. That made him stumble back and the guy launched for him, making them fall to the ground.

The guy punched him right on the nose, making it bleed. When he tried throwing another punch San caught his wrist and threw him to the side so that he could get off of him. Now San was on top of him and he punched him right in the mouth, trying to draw blood in return.

He also got the guy right above his eye, blood dripping down his face. "San!" He looked to see who it was and saw Mingi calling him. That's when the guy punched him across the face. At that point San was just fed up. He grabbed a glass bottle that was on the floor and smashed it against the guy's head.

He heard everyone gasp and suddenly the only thing you could hear was music. Mingi walked closer to them, considering that the guy was knocked out and pulled San off of him. "Let's go." Mingi dragged San all the way out of the room. "Let me go!" "Nope not until you're out the house. I'm not stupid, I can't just let you go back in there." Mingi rolled his eyes, voice stern.

Mingi literally dragged San on the floor until they were out the front door. Mingi helped him up and San hissed at the sudden pain on his torso. "You alright man?" "Ya think?" San was annoyed at the stupid question. He hated when people did that. Asking if you're ok when you clearly aren't.

Mingi sighed and turned around. "Hop on my back." He crouched down a bit. "There's no way I'm-" "Stop being a baby and just do it." San pouted and got on his back instead of going back and forth. Mingi walked them all the way to Seonghwa's house even though it was quite a long walk.

✰𝖧𝖾𝗒 𝖤𝗆𝗈 𝖡𝗈𝗒✰ | Woosan | Hiatus Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora