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San woke up with the most terrible hangover known to man.

He hissed when he felt the sunlight hit his eyes. What time was it? He checked his phone and- oh shit. He was late. He regretted getting up so fast because when he did he fell right back down into his mattress.

When he finally got back to his senses he got up and quickly took a shower and brushed his teeth. He threw on a hoodie and some sweats before getting his things and running to his class.

He got into the building and was one turn away from his classroom when he bumped into someone. "So-" "Watch where the fuck you're going!" San didn't care that he made the person fall to the floor, he needed to get to his class.

When he got into the classroom, all eyes were on him. "Choi! It's about time you showed up, I was just getting to the good part." Mr. Lee was being sarcastic. San rolled his eyes and went to his seat.

This was a regular occurrence for San. He would party till midnight, hook up with someone if he got lucky and sleep until about 2 pm. He knew it wasn't the best thing to do if he wanted to stay in college but it didn't hurt to have fun once in a while.

How Seonghwa did the same stuff he did but still managed to keep up with everything else was beyond him. Looks like San and Mingi were the only ones behind. Yunho wasn't really into partying or hook up culture so he didn't have any problems either.

Class went by quicker than expected since San was barely paying attention. He just zoned out throughout the entire class. His teacher woke him out of his thoughts when he called his name. The class was already packing up so he did the same.

"Stay behind San. I need to talk to you." San continued packing up and waited for everyone to leave the classroom to get out of his seat and walk up to the teacher. "San you need to stop this behavior if you wanna graduate." "I know." San rolled his eyes.

It was true. He did know. He just waited till the last minute to fix things. He was the ideal procrastinator. "San, I'll give you another chance to prove yourself. I know that you're a smart man but you hide that from everyone. Why is something I'll never figure out."

"Unless you want to keep failing this class, I suggest you go to office hours. I'll refer you to a TA and see how everything goes on from there." Of course he suggested something San hated. San really needed this but he could literally do anything else.

"Is there another way that I can raise my grade?" "Seriously?" That was enough of an answer. "Ok, fine I'll go to office hours. Just let me know when." "Good. How about you start raising your grade today and do all this missing work." He handed him packets that have yet to be finished which he put in his bag.

"Bye Mr. Lee." "Bye." San left feeling defeated.

San was having lunch with his friends.

"I still can't believe Mr. Lee wants me to go to office hours." "I can." Seonghwa chimed in. "There's something that you and Mingi lack. Balance. If you guys wanna get wasted and hook up with hot chicks then do that but at the end of the day you guys are still students."

"Here he goes with the do better speech." Mingi bit into his sandwich. Seonghwa glared at him. Mingi was lucky that he was sitting across from him because if he wasn't he'd probably get punched in the back. "Seonghwa hyung is right. You guys need to get your shit together."

"Why do you always take his side? Take our side for once, will ya?" Mingi sulked. "That's because Yun is a very good decision maker unlike some people." Seonghwa made it obvious to whom he was talking about when he said 'some people'.

"San, I saw you earlier rushing to class. Did you seriously have to be that hard on Wooyoung?" "He was in my way." San shrugged. Wooyoung. So that was the persons name. "What did he do this time?" "He bumped into someone I knew and cursed him out." "Seems like something San would do." Seonghwa wasn't even surprised.

"Hello? I'm right here." San said, annoyed. "How do you even know him anyway?" "He's in my dance class." "His name sounds familiar." Mingi was trying to think. "We can figure that out later. Let's go." Everyone else had already finished their food.

They threw away their stuff and left. "Be careful with that TA San. Some people just do it for the money and don't even know what they're doing." "Noted."

Wooyoung was walking to the record store.

He bumped into someone for the second time of the day on the way. "Fucking pay attention." Was what the person said. Neither of them looked at each other. What the hell was that man's problem? The words "asshole" and "dickhead" left their mouths at the same time.

Wooyoung continued walking. When he got there he saw Hongjoong drawing in his sketchbook. He walked up to him. "What ya drawing?" Hongjoong looked up. "Just some clothing." Wooyoung gave Hongjoong a thumbs up and clocked in.

"What's wrong with you?" Wooyoung huffed. "Some guy bumped into me earlier and I think the same person just bumped into me again just now. Is it fucking bump into Wooyoung day or something?" "Maybe." Hongjoong held back his laugh.

"It's not funny." Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "But it is." "How?" "How the fuck does the same person bump into you twice?" "Mere coincidence?" "Doubt it." Wooyoung sighed.

Guess who got writers block on the first chapter? Me I did 🤭

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